National Survivors’ Day: LGBT Survivors of Sexual & Family Violence Speak Out in New ACON Anthology

National Survivors’ Day: LGBT Survivors of Sexual & Family Violence Speak Out in New ACON Anthology
Image: Image ACON nsw / Instagram

LGBTQIA+ survivors have come together to share their stories in The Loud Way Home, an anthology of experiences of domestic, family, and sexual violence.

Queer survivors are often left out of conversations around domestic, family and sexual violence, despite evidence showing LGBTQ+ people experience rates of violence similar to heterosexual communities.

In the 2020 study Private Lives 3, the third national survey of the health and wellbeing of LGBTQ+ people in Australia, almost half of participants reported being coerced or forced into non-consensual sexual acts within the 12 months prior.

ACON produced The Loud Way Home to empower victim-survivors

Produced by NSW-based queer community health organisation, ACON, along with funding from the NSW Government, The Loud Way Home challenges mainstream expectations around sexual violence and empowers survivors to tell their stories.

“Projects like The Loud Way Home help foster these safer, inclusive and affirming spaces for victim-survivors and demonstrate how crucial it is to believe, validate and listen to community members,” says Sexual Violence Consult Service Lead, Hamish Whelan. “This support can help guide someone through their healing and recovery journey, no matter what that may look like for them.”


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It was inspired by one of ACON’s previous projects, Stories Out West, which highlighted the power of collective voice. In creating the anthology, participants came together over a weekend of trauma-informed, survivor-led workshops in Sydney, which included art therapy and other creative sessions.

The 115-page book contains poems, prose and a range of artworks, including paintings and textiles, and tells survivor stories that span across races, disabilities and generations.

“There is power and impact in collective voice,” one survivor is quoted as saying in the the introduction of the collection. “I feel less alone in my healing path through connection with other survivors and inspired to do something positive with my pain.”

You are not alone: support is available

The Loud Way Home is only part of ACON’s wider initiative to address sexual and family violence experienced by LGBTQ+ people.

Also on offer is the Sexual Violence Consult Service, a training and guidance for NSW professionals who support LGBTQ+ victim-survivors, with the goal of strengthening service provision.

ACON is also hosting a series of workshops for LGBTQ+ community and allies to improve their knowledge and capacity in creating healthy environments, as well as how to respond confidently to disclosures of sexual violence.

On days like National Survivor’s Day (November 12), anthologies like The Loud Way make it abundantly clear that stories from victim-survivors must be acknowledged, prioritised, and shouted from the rooftops.

The Loud Way Home book tour is continuing at Kings Cross Library on 27 November, with regional events to follow.

You are not alone. If you or someone you know has experienced sexual or family violence and needs support, you can contact:

  • 1800RESPECT: 1800 737 732
  • Lifeline: 13 11 14
  • LGBTQ+ Rainbow Sexual, Domestic & Family Violence Service Help Line: 1800 385 578
  • NSW Mental Health Access Line: 1800 011 511
  • Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636
  • Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467
  • Mensline 1300789978
  • Alcohol and Drug Information Service: 1800 250 015
  • QLife (3pm to midnight): 1800 184 527
  • 13YARN (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander line) – 13 92 76

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