Get your body ready for spring

Get your body ready for spring

According to Dr Bernard Jensen, author of A Guide to Better Bowel Care, all health begins in the bowel.

As the bowel is the body’s (usually) very efficient garbage disposal unit, it is responsible for clearing the body of toxins and waste products. If this is not working correctly, the toxins and waste products will find somewhere else inappropriate to go.

This kicks off all sorts of disease processes including, but certainly not limited to, weight gain, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis, fatigue, toxic overload, adrenal burnout, adult onset acne, psoriasis, eczema, headaches, the list goes on. This is where Aqua Health comes in.

During a naturopathic consultation we will discuss your present and past health issues and concerns, then build a personalised treatment plan focusing on treating the whole person and the cause of disease. Your new health regime will fit beautifully with a series of colonics so you are fast-tracking the toxins out of your body, bypassing the dreaded ‘detox headaches’ and moodiness, leaving you feeling light, hydrated and cleansed.

Spring into spring with our detox package, which includes a 45-minute detox consultation, a personalised report and program, three colonic hydrotherapy sessions and a free detox pack of goodies, all for just for $300 when you mention this article.

INFO: Aqua Health, 70A Chapel St, St Kilda 3182
Tel: 1300 80 20 83

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