What is chlamydia?

What is chlamydia?

Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that can infect the dick and arse. It is the most common STI in young people in Australia.

In men, chlamydia is most easily transmitted by anal sex, but can also be transmitted by oral sex and arse play such as fingering. Touching an infected area and then touching your own dick or arse can transmit the infection.

Many people who have chlamydia aren’t aware that they have it and around half have no symptoms. Infection can spread to the prostate, balls, dick and arse causing pain, discharge and swelling. If you are going to get symptoms, these normally occur one to three weeks after infection.

Chlamydia can be detected by a simple swab from the arse or by a urine sample and is easily treated with antibiotics. If you may have been infected, it’s really important to avoid any sex that might spread infection until you’ve got the all clear from your doctor.

Next Week: Chlamydia when you’re HIV-positive

info: More information on chlamydia and other STIs is available at www.thedramadownunder.info

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