What stops you losing weight?

What stops you losing weight?

Did you know that as Australians we are now the fattest nation in the world, with some 26 percent of adults obese? This tops the United States at 25 percent. Sure, we need to eat less and move more, but what about the hidden obstacles in our day to day thoughts?
Here are some tips to help you beat the battle of the bulge.

Too many restrictions

When you start a healthy eating plan, are you too strict? The occasional treat can ward off bingeing.

I’ll have what she’s having
You want to eat what your friend is eating. We all know this friend -” she eats everything and still maintains a healthy weight. Everyone’s metabolic rate is different. Learn what works for your body and stop worrying about what everyone else can get away with.

The fast eater
Some messages take time to travel from your stomach to your brain. Once you are full from eating it takes your brain about 20 minutes to receive the message. Think about how much more you have eaten than you really needed in 20 minutes. Again take your time, enjoy the company and your food. Chew each mouthful and taste it.

Not cooking for one
Tonight it’s just you, so you can’t be bothered cooking. You start with a snack of something handy. Still not full, you attack the biscuits and graze on snack foods (high in calories which don’t fill you up) until you are stuffed.

This leaves you hungry through the night and tired and lethargic the next day as your sugar levels have been bouncing around rather than staying stable.

It’s better to cook a double portion, eat one portion and freeze the rest for another night.

No waste club
My mother would say, You’re not leaving the dinner table until you have eaten every bit of food on your plate. Now, I start with smaller servings on my plate. If I need more, I go for seconds, rather than piling it on and feeling the need to eat it all. Leftovers can be tomorrow’s lunch or dinner. When eating out, ask for a doggy bag.

It’s my destiny to be fat
I’ve tried losing weight and failed several times, so just accept it, I am fat. You haven’t succeeded as you haven’t tried the right method, or had the right skills.

There is a whole industry built around weight loss -” don’t assume you should know how to do it by yourself. You are not a failure. You just need to work with a health professional or read to educate yourself on strategies that work.

Eating makes you feel better
The brain releases serotonin (a feelgood hormone) when you take the first bite. Once you realise you aren’t craving the chocolate bar but the serotonin you can start to curb the craving. Exercise releases similar hormones, so a walk or workout would give you that same great feeling.

Emotional eating
You’ve had a bad day at work, had a fight with your partner, or you’re lonely or anxious. When we’re stressed, our body goes into famine mode, where it tries to store weight.

Find out what your stress triggers are. Take time out and go for a walk to think about it. The serotonin and time out will alleviate the emotional need to eat, while also burning calories. Meditation, yoga and Pilates all bring about calm which can restore your body to its normal mode of fat-burning.
I’ll start my diet when…

I’m going to lose weight before I start the gym. I’m not fit enough to go to gym class. Does this sound familiar?

The gym is there to help you achieve these goals. It is not just a place for thin, perfect, healthy people. At least one new person in every class finds it challenging. Everyone is there to achieve their personal goals. The professionals who work there are there to guide and help. The only person judging you is you. As Nike say, Just do it.

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