Crocker documentary precedes porn

Crocker documentary precedes porn

Chris Crocker is back in an all-new documentary about his rise to internet fame.

Clearly not comfortable staying within the one medium, the ‘Leave Britney Alone’ YouTube sensation ventured into music this year with his single Freak Of Nature.

Then came the announcement he’d be starring in a full-length gay porn film with notorious adult film director Chi Chi LaRue later this year – helped along by photos posted of himself performing oral sex on his boyfriend.

Now comes the documentary Me At The Zoo — titled after the first video ever uploaded to YouTube — which seeks to take “an intimate look at a controversial young video blogger, regarded by millions as the Internet’s first rebel folk hero”.

Have a sneak peek below and let us know what you think:

4 responses to “Crocker documentary precedes porn”

  1. Please…your 15 minutes is over…and there is nothing constructive or radical about doing porn…

  2. Love it! Chris bullied at school because he’s to unlike anyone else, makes simple vids simply showing the personality within, without $; people love wacky people being themselves. Looking forward to seeing the doco. And the Chi ChiLaRue feature.