Goldie Hawn on Nigeria: “STOP these atrocities!”

Goldie Hawn on Nigeria: “STOP these atrocities!”

goldie-hawn-goodluck-jonathan-thumb-autox720-34381CELEBRITY movie star Goldie Hawn has lent her voice to the growing concern of the poor treatment of the LGBTI Nigerians when she tweeted a photo of her and the Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan last week.

Hawn quickly apologised soon after she was educated on the country’s recently-passed anti-LGBTI laws that can have LGBTI people imprisoned for up to 14 years, among other things.

Hawn tweeted that she was horrified, embarrassed and misinformed.

In a public statement Hawn said: “Like too many Americans I had no idea what sort of persecution and discrimination LGBT people in Nigeria are going through.

“I am shocked, appalled and heartbroken. STOP these atrocities!”

h/t: glaad



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