Film: Chronicle

Film: Chronicle

Lovers of films like The Blair Witch Project and Cloverfield will enjoy this found-footage film as it is in the stylistic hand-held motion that made these movies famous.

It centres on lonesome awkward teenager Andrew and his two pseudo-mates Matt and Steve. One night they’re at a party and come across a hole in which they discover an alien object.

Needless to say, this object gives them superpowers and they begin to grow stronger when they learn to harness their newfound skills.

All I can say about this one is be nice to those quiet kids at school because Andrew (played by Dane DeHaan) is a kid with many problems. He is constantly picked on by bullies, and has an alcoholic father and a sick mother.

He has no real friends except his cousin Matt (played by Alex Russell) who hangs with him out of obligation and Steve who is more or less Matt’s mate.

Once the lads develop their powers, Andrew becomes more hostile and addicted to his power. He uses his powers on others to take out his frustration and soon Matt and Steve become worried that he is taking this to an unhealthy level. What happens is truly a spectacle.

Move over Harry Potter ’cos this is the stuff you wanna see kids do with superpowers. This film is a definite watch for lovers of X-Men flicks and for those who wanna see losers lose their shite.

I recommend seeing it on the big screen and yes, I would even say this could be a date film.

I give it 3.5 out of 5.

83 mins
Director: Josh Trank
Writer: Max Landis
Distributor: 20th Century Fox
Cast: Dane DeHaan, Michael B Jordan and Alex Russell
Playing at selected cinemas

By Kylan Luke-McKeen, a film reviewer and presenter of Kiss My Arts on JOY94.9.

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