Gay ‘hit list’

Gay ‘hit list’

An anti-gay Liberian group called the Movement Against Gays in Liberia (MOGAL) has distributed fliers in the capital city of Monrovia containing a ‘hit list’ of gay people and supporters, the Associated Press reported.

The group said those involved in promoting gay rights “should not be given space to get a gulp of air”.

“Having conducted a comprehensive investigation, we are convinced that the below listed individuals are gays or supporters of the club who don’t mean well for our country,” the fliers read.

“Therefore, we have agreed to go after them using all means in life.”

A man affiliated with the group told the AP that action that could be taken against those on the list included “dangerous punishments” including “flogging and death”.

Liberia has seen an increasingly hostile national debate about gay rights.

Last month, the US State Department expressed concern after President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s remarks in an interview with The Guardian, suggesting she would not sign any laws decriminalising homosexuality.

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5 responses to “Gay ‘hit list’”

  1. We caused homophobia in Africa when we colonialised it. We brought clothes and shame when once there was nakedness and spirituality. We left them in civil war.

  2. More evidence that the wordl should demand that tthis bitch be stripped of her nobel prize… What a joke! Nobel prizes can never have any value or credibility again while this ignorant woman holds one.

  3. What Rock have you crawled out from under??? …. Please look to the mayhem you have created in your country!!There appears to be little rights for anyone… Least of all your Gay Community; who if you look hard enough keeps you afloat. Look in the mirror and you may not like the person starring back at you!