Controversy over “not born gay” billboard

Controversy over “not born gay” billboard

A HIGHWAY billboard that aims to inform drivers that gay men were not born that way has sparked controversy in the US.

The advertisement was recently erected on a major interstate highway in Richmond, Virginia and shows two men, with the caption: “Identical twins: One gay. One not. We believe twins research studies show nobody is born gay.”

The not-for-profit organisation behind the billboard, Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX), is now receiving backlash through social network sites; particularly Twitter.

Post by God.

PFOX’s website states: “We believe that every person seeking positive life change needs and deserves the love and support of family, friends, the community, and the church.

“That’s why we offer a place for help, a place for truth, and a place for the ex-gay to participate in the conversation about same-sex attraction.”

In response to the billboard, Patrick Hope, the politician who represents the district in the Virginia House of Delegates, released information about a bill he planned to bring before the 2015 General Assembly to combat ex-gay therapy on minors.

“There’s is no on/off switch for sexual orientation, and putting this bill in is necessary to send that message,” Hope said.

He added that the so-called conversion therapy is based on the false assumption being gay is a mental disorder.

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108 responses to “Controversy over “not born gay” billboard”

  1. Alright then; If I’m required to accept this shit as fact then using the same logic and mentality…Nobody is born a bigoted moron either, you choose it as a lifestyle.

  2. Oh I should have said they know that AT LEAST 30% is uniquely genetics. And the rest is largely a combination of genetics and environment (next to none is environment [choice] on it’s own)

  3. Doesn’t that just prove one was born being gay? It contradicts itself unless it’s trying to say being born a twin means everything has to be the same like your body and face including sexuality?? >.>

    • Identical twins have identical genetic make up. The board is suggesting that being ‘gay’ is a form of behavour and was not encoded in ones genes. If that truely is the case its pretty interesting scientifically.

      But it shouldnt be the focus of negative attention. I Dont understand why, its not hurting anyone…..

      • While objective scientific research may not be intended to hurt anyone, those responsible for the bill-board have an agenda that has caused great hurt to a lot of people. The idea that being gay can be ‘cured’ has resulted in electro shock therapy, lobotomies, chemical castration and other ‘treatments’ being used on gay people in the past. The psychological torment that religious groups currently employ in their ‘gay conversion’ therapies have resulted in many people being hurt.
        While participating in homosexual behaviour is a choice, the underlying same-sex attraction is not. These church leaders need to imagine what it would be like to experience someone trying to ‘convert’ them to being homosexual and perhaps they’d understand the damage they do.

  4. Well according to the New Scientist 2 weeks ago, the gay gene has more or less been identified! Maybe the fuctard who stuck up this poster needs to read it?

  5. Everybody wants to criticise. The difference in reaction is whether you allow it to bother you or not. Honestly, why is someone else’s life your problem? Judge your own shit.

  6. Id be interested in any credible research being cited that backs up the hypothesis that people are born gay. I’m bisexual, in a long-term partnership with a women and don’t sense that I was born anything. I think the real question here is “why does this matter”? Why does biological determinism trump the notion of choice? It is no more acceptable to persecute someone if they choose to be gay than if they were born that way.

  7. Just because one is straight does not mean the other one is not born gay,wtf really.that is the bus seat insult not just to gays but twins.jJust because they Ar twins does not mean they have the same brain

  8. The truth be known there is still no absolute scientific fact that we are born gay … Whether we like it or not ? or think otherwise it’s still just a theory it still has not been proven … As yet …. This is definitely not my opinion … but its scientific fact

    • Well almost all research and theories point to it being a fact of a natural occuring thing. Almost nothing points to the opposite. Think about it….guys have come out as gay whether they have a single mum, single dad or both parents situation…some have come out after being raised in rough areas, some in more well-to-do areas…some that have been raised by 2 guys have been straight…they can’t find definitive proof that it is a thing people are born with yet cause human sexuality is complex…as is everything else about us…doesn’t excuse this nor does it mean equality and general human rights should be ignored! This is a sign promoting human rights abuses after all!

  9. You can’t use the idea of science when you dislike the many beliefs of science. That’s like picking and choosing parts of the bible to fuel your hatred. ..oh wait..

  10. Ahh doesn’t that prove that people ARE born gay? I mean one would assume they were raised the same way with the same parent (s), gone to the same school, had the same religion (if any), they are the same age and would assume have mostly the same morals been taught and the almost the same life experiences for the most part. The only logical conclusion is that their genetical make up is slightly different making one gay and one not. Absolutely stupid and anyone that believes the nonsense should be shot! (Just being dramatic…don’t actually want anyone shot)

    • The problem with an argument based on genetics is that, even after the human genome mapped all our genes, they’ve never identified a single gene that codes for sexuality. In fact, the reality is they only ever really search for an elusive gay gene, and never for a counter straight gene. Having spent a number of years studying gender and sexuality I have become very uncomfortable with the ‘born this way’ argument (and certainly don’t need wealthy heteronormative pop singers to make millions of dollars making the argument on my behalf, but that’s another story). Pleas to ‘nature’ as a way of normalising sexual preference only work as a tool for tolerance, rather than acceptance. Tolerance is not good enough. Sexuality is a complex phenomenon and is multifactorial. Sure there might be some biological primers for my sexual preference, but then there’s a huge raft of environmental, behavioural and other factors that come into play. And it’s ok that that is the way it is. Some people do actively choose their sexuality, I don’t feel like I made a conscious choice, and it feels like an innate part of myself. But, just like my gender expression, it’s relationship to my biology is purely arbitrary. Given the choice now, I’d choose queer, I do choose queer.

    • I had a very talented friend who committed suicide because he could not handle the societal pressure he constantly faced by being born gay and actually said to me once he wished he wasn’t.
      This was back in the 80s when gay rights were just being voiced and were gaining , at the time, huge momentum but also violence towards those brave enough, at the time, to openly live their truth.

    • Suzi this is my point. By using the we choose to be gay but that’s ok argument will cause this kind of tragedy to increase in occurrence. Suggesting anyone chooses their sexuality is damaging to the cause and wrong. Nobody chooses to be gay, nobody wants to live a life in fear of being bashed, or rediculed, treated like a second class citizen or even being killed for it. Anyone who “chooses” their sexuality are generally gay people pretending to be straight to avoid the before mentioned things happening to them. Nobody chooses their sexuality. Do straight people choose to be attracted to women or men? No! It just comes naturally. As does same-sex attraction. It is something we are born with. And fyi Scott. They do believe they have found the gay gene. Might want to check up on the lastest research and not use an argument from research that is years old

  11. That doesn’t even make sense?!! Doesn’t it actually demonstrate that you are, in fact, gay from birth? One born gay, the other born straight? *sigh*