Extremist pastor says gay people should be “exterminated for an AIDS-free Christmas”

Extremist pastor says gay people should be “exterminated for an AIDS-free Christmas”

A VIDEO of an extremist Christian pastor in the US calling for the mass extermination of gay people for an AIDS-free Christmas has gone viral online.

The sermon by Steve Anderson, of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona, was delivered the day before World AIDS Day and posted on YouTube on Monday.

In his hour-long rant, Anderson claimed the Bible states that gay people should be killed, and that this should be done if people wanted an “AIDS-free world by Christmas”.

“Turn to Leviticus 20:13 because I actually discovered the cure for AIDS,” Anderson said, who goes on a foot-stomping tantrum in his sermon.

“If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. And that, my friend, is the cure for AIDS.

“It was right there in the Bible all along — and they’re out spending billions of dollars in research and testing. It’s curable — right there. Because if you executed the homos like God recommends, you wouldn’t have all this AIDS running rampant.”

Anderson also reminded the 50 or so people who turned up to hear his “speech” that gays were banned from his church.

The pastor is also known to be fiercely anti-Semitic, misogynist, and vocally against US President Barack Obama.

(Main image: Facebook)

[Editor’s note: We decided not to embed the full video of Anderson’s rant on the Star Observer’s website. If you still want to watch it, click here.]

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74 responses to “Extremist pastor says gay people should be “exterminated for an AIDS-free Christmas””

  1. How about exterminating religious nutters that live their lives quoting how people should live their lives from a fictional book that was written thousands of years ago?

  2. Again, this story eliminated from the United States of America, specifically Texas. Why do we bother to give this story any more merit than what happens in the Middle East? Let’s concentrate about what we can change, and that is issues that arise in our own country. For example my screenshot from an ABC TV program was removed for its portrayal of gay simulated sex. Yet, if I report a similar heterosexual simulated act, it is not removed.

  3. It’s interesting how most modern day preachers rightfully say that the Old Testament has been fulfilled and the New Testament is what Christians now follow.

    Until gay marriage is mentioned and then Leviticus becomes the explicit word of ‘god’ once again.

  4. This pastor doesn’t represent Jesus Christ he’s a disgrace to the Christian church I think he works for the devil they should close his church he’s preaching hate and violence SHAME SHAME ON HIM☹☹☹☹