Battlelines drawn for ALP conference

Battlelines drawn for ALP conference

Supporters of same-sex marriage, civil unions and sexuality anti-discrimination laws will be competing with the nuclear power debate for focus on the last day of the ALP National Conference in Sydney this Saturday.

The latest draft policy in circulation renews the call for state-based relationship registers that don’t mimic marriage or undermine existing laws that define marriage as between a man and a woman.

The draft also supports anti-discrimination legislation on the basis of sexuality and gender identity, but does not give a clear commitment to federal laws.

Equality advocates are hoping more voices of support will be heard this weekend after the Tasmanian Labor Party endorsed marriage equality at its state conference on Sunday.

This decision will send a strong message to the upcoming ALP National Conference and the Rudd Government to support equality in marriage for same-sex partners, Tasmanian gay rights advocate Rodney Croome said.

Clearly the grass roots of the Labor Party has heard the message that a majority of Australians support marriage equality for same-sex couples, even if the Party’s federal leadership is lagging behind.

The Tasmanian endorsement, moved by Young Labor, was a small but important victory for Rainbow Labor, the cross-factional caucus of GLBTI Labor members.

However, they do not expect the 400 delegates from around Australia will vote to overturn the current policy opposing same-sex marriage.

Tasmania sends just 23 delegates to the periodic conference dominated by factional warriors and union officials from NSW, Victoria and Queensland. Young Labor has just three delegates; Rainbow Labor will have none.

Just two years ago the debate on same-sex relationship recognition was split between a vocal minority advocating no support and a majority endorsing statebased relationship register. Not a single speaker supported marriage equality at the 2007 conference.

Ahead of the 2009 conference, dozens of Labor figures now publicly support same-sex marriage including Victorian minister Bronwyn Pike, the entire ACT Government, Young Labor, and many more backbenchers in state and federal parliaments not bound by government gags.

It is expected those states that still have not implemented the existing relationship register policy will be the strongest voices in favour of keeping it.

Later on Saturday the delegates will vote to retain the formal recognition of minority networks for women, indigenous and youth members.

info: Sydney Star Observer will have reporters inside the conference during the debate and outside during the protests. For information as it happens visit

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7 responses to “Battlelines drawn for ALP conference”

  1. It was 100 laws – NOT 58 laws Labor changed in 2008.

    The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 in section 4 under Interpretation even today still says and quotes:

    “de facto spouse , in relation to a person, means a person of the opposite sex to the first-mentioned person who lives with the first-mentioned person as the husband or wife of that person on a bona fide” domestic basis although not legally married to that person.

    “marital status” means the status or condition of being:

    (a) single;

    (b) married;

    (c) married but living separately and apart from one’s spouse;

    (d) divorced;

    (e) widowed; or

    (f) the de facto spouse of another person.

    “near relative” , in relation to a person, means:

    (a) a parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, brother or sister of the person; or

    (b) the spouse or de facto spouse of the first-‘mentioned person or of a person referred to in paragraph (a).

    The Sex discrimination Act 1984 should be amended to get rid of all the references of “de facto spouse” and fully replace those references with “de facto or registered partner”.

  2. The underlying issue for many is what the Bible says on homosexuality. I strongly support gay marriage and it really annoys me when people LIE from the original Hebrew and Greek scriptures to gay bash.

    The WHOLE POINT of Romans 1 is Rom 2:1 which says “You therefore have no excuse you who pass judgement on someone else”. It is never mentioned. The other thing against nature in the Bible is men with long hair in 1 Cor 11:14.

    Sodom – There is not one reason why Gen 19:4-5 can’t be translated “All the people of Sodom…where are all the people..?” Jude 7 is the only verse that says Sodom’s sins were sexual and the Greek is sakros heteras – flesh HETEROSEXUAL (not homosexual).
    Lev 18:22 and 20:13 are often used to condemn homosexuals. But Lev 19:37 says we must obey ALL the law.
    There are many others where the translators have actually inserted words that don’t even exist in the Hebrew and Greek just to help people gay bash. That is lying pure and simple and it has got to stop.

    Retired Baptist Pastor

  3. For as long as same sex relationships fall outside the legal definition of “marriage”, the community at large will continue to view those relationships as inferior to heterosexual marriages.

    A heterosexual couple can obtain immediate social and legal legitimacy by filling out a few forms at the registry office. A life time union between a same sex couple is considered to be inherently illegitimate.

    Rudd is either saying that same sex unions aren’t equal to straight marriage, or that he’s not willing to pay the political price of standing up to bigotry. I can only laugh when I hear him crow about his admiration of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

  4. Ben – “Your problems would now be resolved through the changes made by Rudd giving same sex couples the same financial benefits as a straight couple (tax, medicare, social security, superannuation – more than 58 laws were amended recognising same-sex couples).”

    No Ben thats not the case, There’s nothing to stop a federal government agency from saying “your a fag and Im not going to employ you” – all though 58 laws were amended we are still way behind the UK or even some states in the USA in regards to discrimination in laws and entiltements like adoption / surrogacy for instance.

  5. Sorry Ben, but Dr Dave’s issue relates specifically to Federal anti-discrimination law which the Government left unfixed.

    The Attorney-General has also indicated that we’re about to be thrown under the bus again by being left out of new anti-terror laws that will cover hate crimes against people based on their religion, race or nationality- but not their sexuality.

    For every two steps forward- a step back.

  6. Dave:-

    Your problems would now be resolved through the changes made by Rudd giving same sex couples the same financial benefits as a straight couple (tax, medicare, social security, superannuation – more than 58 laws were amended recognising same-sex couples).

    However, formal recognition of same-sex couples is still not available, except as a de facto couple under state laws.
    That needs to change.

  7. Doctors are forced to do stints in remote country areas until they are a consultant. These can last up to 6 months. My partner and I were denied accommodation if we could not provide a marriage certificate by Peninsula Health. They then argued it was not discrimination as it is a Federal Award and Gay and Lebsian people do not have protection.

    In response my partner did go to the country and they were left without a doctor. Tony Abott was forced to amend the award as other doctors decided to do the same.

    Discrimination due to gay people not being covered by Federal Equal Opportunity still exist. Ramsay Health in Mildura also asked my partner about his marriage status in Mildura, and when told of our relationship, they chose to import a doctor from Singapore, pay relocation and expenses to them rather then employ an openly gay doctor. We had no protection Federally.

    I would of thought Ramsay Health, one of the largest private hospital networks in the country, would not be such bastards. The facts are we are not fully protected unless we have the right to Marry. Gay Marriage happened until the 13th Century, and gay people even had an important place in our own aboriginal culture. When Xavier went to Japan hundreds of years ago he spoke about the expression of love between men.

    We must all take a stand and attend the rally. Christians fought to discriminate against aboriginal people, to keep the White Australia Policy, and used to kill people who did not agree with them. They have no place deciding the love between two people.

    Discrimination still exist in so many areas. Only Marriage will stop this.