

Is it just me or is there an influx of brand new shows either just opened or about to open? For someone who likes to see every show, it’s almost impossible to be everywhere all of the time. To make it easier I will try and give you an express tour of all of the shows to see or look out for.

Starting very soon at the Newtown Hotel on Friday nights is Shelley Legs Diamond’s new show. I have heard it is going to be very dance-oriented but over all camp. Now talking about camp, watch out for the new Wednesday show at the Newtown Hotel. I can’t reveal much but it is going to be a hoot.

Already up and running to rave reviews is Drats at the Imperial Hotel on Wednesday nights, starring Chelsea Bun, Tess Tickle and Kitty Glitter. The girls show that you don’t have to have the Webber surname to write a show about cats. Chelsea has promised not to spray on anyone this week. Also at the Imperial, there is talk of a new super show starting soon on a Sunday. That’s all I can divulge at the moment but when I get more in I will let you know.

I was able to drop into Stonewall last Friday night to catch Candy’s sexy new show with two of Sydney’s sexiest boys Daniel and Marcus. I did learn that Marcus has been dancing on the strip for at least 10 years, but I do want to know, how does he still look so gorgeous?

The fact that they were able to fit three people on Stonewall’s stage, let alone dance up a storm, is truly amazing. Fabbie show!

Newly opened last Sunday at the Taxi Club is a show that can only be classified as camp, starring the famously flipping Natalia and Vida. As you can imagine, the girls burn the floor up with moves I am still trying to work out how to do.

Now, finally, if you have dropped into Arq recently you may have noticed the four fantastic banners at the front door. Yes, Vida is at it again. Her new show, which also stars Shelley, Brett and Phillip, looks amazing -“ I did share a dressing room with the boys on Sunday and, yes, they do look better with no clothes on. It’s opening on Wednesday nights and I think Sydney is in for a pleasant surprise. I will make sure I have a front row seat for that one.

I hope I haven’t forgotten everyone. If I have, I am sure someone will let me know. So if you are in the city or in the west, I am sure you will see something new popping up.


To everyone who supported the Venus Boys (Matt and Simon) and me each Friday, thank you -“ I am sure you will see us together again soon.

Could it be true? Could Arq’s manager Raphael be one of the sexiest men ever? Now I have taken a small poll with other showgirls and we have to agree, and the vote has come back, yes. Watch out, babe, I have my good eye on you.

Whatever party you go to or even if you just go home, please be careful over this Easter weekend. The only hot crossed buns we want to see are on the table with butter.

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