Eastern medicine may have the answers

Eastern medicine may have the answers

Eight years ago I was married with a successful general practice in New Zealand. My wife and I were both doctors and ran the centre together.

After a busy day, I was detaching a blood pressure machine from the wall mount. On top of it was a little toggle switch and I engaged it, resulting in the whole thing falling to the floor. I called the poisons information line, which took me through the right procedures – everything was fine.

Continuing the busy lifestyle and forgetting about the accident, I started to notice peculiar things. It was three months later and I was having problems with my health – weight loss, blurred vision and strange tastes in my mouth.

Despite running the surgery, I was also training for professional mountain bike competitions when I had a crash and injured my head. After months of rehabilitation my health still continued to fail. My mind was racing to think what it was – I thought I had HIV from a needle stick accident in Africa 10 years prior.

In April of 2001, the penny dropped – I had mercury poisoning. I spiltmercury from the blood pressure machine. Mercury vaporises at room temperature. It is the third most poisonous substance, and I was exposing myself to the vapours every day in my office. Mercury goes into the cells very quickly. The room contamination levels were twice the occupational and safety danger levels.

My wife was taking it very hard. We nearly lost the business several times. I lost my muscle abilities in my legs and couldn’t drive a manual car, ride a bike or even walk the dog.

I was getting worse and the western medicines weren’t doing me any good. I went to a Chinese medicine physician who said that the problem was systemic. When you’re desperate, you’re desperate to find any method to fix the problem.

In 2002, I moved to Sydney for treatment. My wife and I had an understanding and she knew that I was bisexual before I married her. When I got the energy I wanted to give expression to the other side of my sexuality, which I’d never done before, I needed human contact.

I had my first boyfriend and my wife was fine – she was busy running the practice. In the meantime, my health was improving. My Chinese medical practitioner suggested that I do Sinogy Qigong.

I started the course and half way through I started to get energy phenomena. It was like I was in the twilightzone. At the end of the course the teacher said she wasn’t going to do it any more and the class asked me to teach them.

I became anapprentice. It was a different experience. She had her expectations fromher culture and I came from western culture.

I had one-on-one lessons with her but during this timemy lover brought back information from America on toxin torts – liability about chemical and toxin poisoning. To register a claim I had to go to New York and find a lawyer.

After successfully registering a claim, my health declined and I livedin a bubble in Dallas for a few months. I saw some really sick people,but I started to teach Sinogy. I was noticing the improvements straight away. 
Part of the problem was that I had chemical sensibility to many chemicals such as perfume, Windex and disinfectant.

Doing Chinese medicine and Sinogy can be very effective – I still have to be careful. Nowadays, my functioning is really good. My wife and I separated and we’re concluding the practice – we’re soul mates and will always be friends.

Sinogy works on the premise that everything has energy and in order to be healthy we need good energy and good organs – the two supplement each other.

Sinogy will help you in whatever you’re doing. An hour every second day will help your well-being. There’s no medication, just switching your mind off and focusing on the exercises.

As told to Sunny Burns

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