Fitness first

Fitness first

Anyone who knows me knows that I am always up for a challenge. And if someone says that I can’t do something, then I just try harder to prove them wrong.

I guess that is why I have taken on the newest challenge. As the saying goes, Inside every fat person there is a skinny person trying to get out.

Well, in my case maybe two, and instead of getting out they have decided to eat their way out -“ that is why it is taking them so long.

So to hurry the whole process along I will be taking the DIVA makeover challenge.

Oh, how exciting! It is in conjunction with City Gym and Community TV.

Fingers crossed, by August I will be just a whisper of my former self. My brief is simple, starting at It’s Raining Men, the original version, and ending up It’s Raining Men, the Geri Halliwell version.

I am sure my expectations aren’t that unreasonable, are they?

So what do I have to do, you may be asking. Step one unfortunately is to give up my favourite food, Olympic Yeeros.

Over the past 10 years they have always been there through ups and downs.

I can’t count how many times deep-fried lasagne has helped me come out of a deep depression, and I’m not even going to touch the Kransky.

I will be replacing them all with carrot sticks and low-fat yoghurt. Jesus, this isn’t looking good, is it?

The assistant manager of City Gym (and producer of the program), Justin, knows that my main problem is will power, so he has assigned me one of his best personal trainers, Katy Try.

Now I have been told that she will get results -“ if anyone can do it she can. Just as long as I don’t have to get on that wobbly thing that wobbles your arse, I will be happy.

My week will consist of training sessions on my own and with Katy, focusing on my trouble areas, re-training my eating habits and work-out filming.

I guess it is going to be a mix between The Osbournes and Ready Steady Cook -“ oh, and a touch of Fashion TV. I hope it will air at a late-night timeslot.

Each week I will be putting at the bottom of my article my progress report so stay tuned and wish me luck. God knows I am going to need it.


Farewell to everyone’s favourite door boy, mail boy and dollar boy, Dan. He will be soon making the huge trip to the UK. I know we will all miss him terribly.

The address of Claire de Lune’s new website is rather than the one I gave you last week, so if you want a dinner with something a little special, why not drop Claire a line?

After just a few days, downstairs at the Midnight Shift is ready for some serious dancing. The main dancefloor has been re-surfaced and is better than ever.

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