Float sneak peek

Float sneak peek

Sequined cyclists with flashing light-globe headwear, powering a giant green heart topped with rainbow flags will shine down Oxford St tomorrow night on the City of Sydney float entry.

Created by scenic designers Philippa Playford and Jane Becker, the float will feature a rainbow flag created from recycled toys, lids, plastic and garbage, along with a green pulsating heart symbolising love, life, passion, sustainability and Sydney as the heart of the gay and lesbian community.

“Gay Power represents not only the collective might of Sydney’s dynamic GLBTQ community but also the contribution this community can make to a greener and more sustainable Sydney,” the city’s creative director Gillian Minervini said.

“Three sequined cyclists will ride on bikes igniting and electrifying the heart along the parade route.

“The City has engaged choreographer Virginia Ferris to work with 50 City of Sydney staff, their partners and friends who will dance alongside the float to a music compilation of Batman and Wonder Woman theme songs representing our City staff superheroes — protecting the City through generating a sustainable City and supporting diverse, tolerant and safe communities.”

Lord Mayor Clover Moore will follow the City of Sydney float in an open top car.

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2 responses to “Float sneak peek”

  1. As second class citizens we may well be marching.We have been told this week that we are not good enough to have the same rights as straights.
    Kevin Rudd,You and your Labour government came into power promising so much change.Instead we have this SHAMEFUL,DISGRACEFUL contempt of human rights on the EVE of MARDI GRAS.How absolutely pathetic.
    Australia…the backwater of G+L rights that what the lead float should have.WHAT A DISGRACE.