Gay hate licence refused

Gay hate licence refused

Preachers requested a licence to condemn homosexuality as an abomination during City of Sydney Council debate on special street busking sites last Monday.
One man said preachers – who have been told to move on by city rangers under busking guidelines – were confused about their rights.
Councillor Shayne Mallard said it became apparent the issue was about public vilification of gay men when a second man claimed street preachers were being discriminated against on the basis of their religious beliefs.
“When he said, ‘All we’re doing is preaching God’s gospel, we’re doing this out of love,’ I turned white with anger,” Cr Mallard said.
The preacher went on to say homosexuals would burn in hell and must repent.
Mallard called it an “outpouring of gay hate” and was joined by Lord Mayor Clover Moore in saying it wasn’t welcome in a tolerant city like Sydney.
Mallard will push for a statement against hate-speech to be included in the new busking policy.
Under the new plans, busking will be permitted at two designated sites at Taylor Square.

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