Gay penguins snub females

Gay penguins snub females

In the latest in a series of instances of same-sex zoo couplings, two gay German penguins at Bremerhaven Zoo in Bremen are resisting attempts to split them up as part of a breeding program.

The zoo had imported four Swedish penguins to take part in the reproductive attempts with the penguins, Six Point and Slash. The pair instead remain devoted to nursing pebbles in place of their own eggs and were reunited after initially being split up in hope of taking on a female mate.

Zoo boss, Heike Zueck suggested the pair weren’t solely to blame, “The Swedes are rather standoffish.”

Gay groups have voiced their opposition to the separation attempts by the Zoo.

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5 responses to “Gay penguins snub females”

  1. Charle Darwin’s theory of evolution in a nutshell is that creatures pass on useful characteristics to their offspring and this is how species survive. Too bad for this pink penguin duo, their genetic line will die with them. Will some do gooder try and agitate for adoption and surrogacy rights for queer Zoo animals. When they’ve sorted this one out there’s sure to be some cubless Lesbian Lioness roaming the African savanah in need of a cup of sperm and a turkey baster.

  2. It is a shame that the children’s book about Gay penguins has already been published.

    Obviously Straight Swedish penguins do not cut the mustard perhaps some Aussie FAIRY penguins might achieve some excitement?!