Lesbian Pap test warning

Lesbian Pap test warning

About nine percent of lesbians have been told they don’t need a Pap test -“ usually by their doctor -“ according to recent research. Results of a study published in the Health Promotion Journal Of Australia show women have been misinformed about their risks of catching human papilloma virus (HPV) from female sex partners. Lesbians have historically been told they faced little risk of contracting HPV -“ and therefore they were at a low risk of developing cervical cancer. But new research has shown women are testing positive to HPV without ever having sex with men. Chief researcher Adrienne Brown from the Cancer Council of Victoria said nine percent of the 400 lesbians surveyed about their Pap screening behaviour were told they did not require the test. Of these, 89 percent were given that information from a doctor. The research also found lesbians who had regular Pap tests were more likely to go to doctors familiar with their sexual activities, and those doctors were more likely to provide accurate information about lesbian sexual health.

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