Summer skin care

Summer skin care

Hanging out at the beach and spending time in the sun -“ it may be a way of life in Sydney at summer but it can be hell for your skin and hair. Here are some tips for keeping your whole body in tiptop condition this season.

After swimming

You should have a shower to wash the salt water off your skin as soon as possible, as salt can really dry your skin out, according to Sky Stewart of Pure Botanicals in Newtown. Then I’d recommend using a really good moisturiser, like a vegetable-based cream that doesn’t have chemicals in it which can contribute to the drying of the skin, she said.

Salt water can also be very drying on your hair, especially if it’s dyed. Stewart recommended applying a conditioning treatment when you get home from the beach, or simply comb through a conditioner and let it sit for half an hour. I also recommend our treatment oil, which is a mix of jojoba and rose hip and some essential oils which are specific for healing the hair, she said.

After getting burnt

Yep, your mum was right. Aloe vera is the best thing to soothe and heal sun damage to your skin. It’s incredibly healing for the skin, though it can be drying on its own so combine it with a moisturiser, Stewart suggested. Put it on as soon as you can.

Don’t use an oil-based cream on sunburn as it will keep the heat in, Stewart advised. Use a gel or water-based lotion until the redness goes down, then move onto a soothing moisturising cream.

Getting around town in the heat

Even if you don’t go to the beach, getting around Sydney in summer can be dehydrating for your whole body. Stewart’s advice is simple.

Drinking water is the best way to hydrate your skin from the inside out. Also make sure you use a topical moisturiser each morning and night, and wash your skin as well.

Perhaps use a cooling mist on your skin, but don’t use anything too heavy because in summer you tend to sweat through any heavy moisturisers you’ve got. So keep it fairly light.

Wearing sunscreen is of course important, but Stewart warned that moisturisers with an SPF factor may not offer adequate protection if only applied once. You’re much better off wearing a hat, she said.

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