Sydney rally against hate truck

Sydney rally against hate truck

Christian Democrat Peter Madden’s rally against marriage equality will be met with a counter-rally organised by Community Action Against Homophobia (CAAH).

The rally will be held in Sydney’s Hyde Park on Sunday, April 1 from 3pm.

Hoping to affect the Queensland state election, Madden travelled up the east coast with a truck covered in slogans suggesting marriage equality would lead to young children being given “homosexual sex-ed”.

CAAH co-convenor Cat Rose said Madden’s truck had been rejected by Lismore and Brisbane and now it was time for Sydney to do so.

“Madden now has to rely on the dwindling and out-of-touch minority who still believe that gay and lesbian people are not a part of everybody’s family, workplace, friendship circles, and religious congregations,” co-convenor Bryn Hutchinson said.

There will be a rally for marriage equality on Saturday, May 12 from 1pm at Sydney Town Hall.

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