Australian Christian Lobby accuses queer people of ‘bullying’ at Melbourne event

Australian Christian Lobby accuses queer people of ‘bullying’ at Melbourne event

DIRECTOR of the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) Lyle Shelton has accused LGBTI activists of ‘bullying’ at a recent Melbourne seminar on the Safe Schools program.

The event, which was co-ordinated by the notoriously anti-Safe Schools lobby and designed to provide an open discussion on the program, was allegedly protested by 30 ‘rainbow political activists’.

It had been promoted on the ACL’s website as a discussion to help the public understand ‘the consequences of teaching contested gender ideology to our kids’.

In a media release, Shelton said the protest  was the latest example of ‘bullying tactics’ used by LGBTI activists to shut down the debate.

According to Shelton, the protestors were stationed outside of the event attempting to prevent members of the public from attending.

“The intolerance of those leading the LGBTI political movement is fast-becoming one of the biggest threats to basic freedoms Australians have taken for granted for 200 years,” he said.

He said that while 100 people were in attendance, roughly 70 others were unable to gain access.

In attendance at the event was speaker John Whitehall, a University of Western Sydney professor who previously referred to gender dysphoria as a “fad”.

In a report by The Australian, trans advocate Regan Bleechmore condemned the event.

“We will be there to remind the ACL: we are not your political football,” she said.

“We are human beings and we will not tolerate hate speech.”

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5 responses to “Australian Christian Lobby accuses queer people of ‘bullying’ at Melbourne event”

  1. John Whitehall, is a ‘christian’ extremist with a very interesting past working for extremist ‘christian’ anti-communist groups overseas, long suspected of being CIA and SIS anti-communist fronts.

    “Probably the most interesting listed speaker is Dr John Whitehall, a Sydney paediatrician and long-time Fred Nile associate who heads an organisation called Christian Crusade Against Communism.

    At a press conference Dr Whitehall ticked me off for referring to himself and his principal colleagues as “belligerent. He would prefer the term “strong minded”.

    “Dr Whitehall said had incontrovertible proof that was actually a front for a wing of the outlawed Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), and that Partido ng Bayan had been formed specifically to initiate the first stage of the revolution. Dr Whitehall, who returned a few weeks ago from the Philippines, said he had attended a meeting at which a speaker inadvertently identified Sison as the author of Philippines Society and Revolution”

  2. Well if anyone knows about Bullying, Discrimination etc. it is the so-called but not-so-Christian “Australian Christian Lobby”.
    They think they have the Right to Discriminate against anyone who does not agree with them.
    They think they represent mainstream Australia.
    They don’t.
    Yes, according to the last Census the majority of people still claim to be “Christian” BUT how many of them actually take part in any form of religious practice? Precious few. It would be fair to say the vast majority are “Lapsed Christians’
    Of course the ACL don’t want any GLTBIQ people at their little meetings because they are just a bunch of Bigots. They believe they have the Right to Bully, Harass and Discriminate against any child or adult who is not heterosexual.

    • I completely agree with your comment, but I point out that this whole event would have gone unnoticed if it wasn’t for the protestors. The media loves a story where there’s two sides of a stoush on, no stoush no story most of the time. If those bitter little bigots had just quietly had their bitter little meeting with no protest, we’d never have heard about it and they’d have no coverage. Simply by being there, whether or not anyone was actually prevented from getting in, the protestors empowered the ACL to promote their discriminatory version of events and claim victim status and the protesters need to ask themselves if this is what they were actually trying to achieve.

      We don’t invite them to our meetings, why would we turn up to theirs?

  3. Interesting that Lyle rehashes his lines again.
    So at least 70 people were “denied ” entry and 100 people got into the event.
    How did they get in when according to Lyle, that the protesters locked arms (he never states how many and what time they began to lock their arms) and that word “bullied” is mentioned again.
    I looked at that video and their was no bullying involved.
    Lyle has this view that anyone that goes against his odd principles is bully and you aren’t allowed to question him.
    He has taken the heading in an article about him as the new “Messiah” literally which is of concern.
    He also wants to forget about that so called “terrorist attack” on the ACL building .
    That old saying of if he can’t put up with what is occurring he should shut up with all of his false and misleading claims and rhetoric.
    Does he and others of his ilk suffer from delusions of grandeur and paranoid personality disorders ?

  4. Once again, an arguably self-defeating move by those (qujte rightly) pee’d off by the so-called Australian Christian Lobby. Don’t protest, blockade, and give them a right to claim victim status people!!

    Instead, DEMAND that the ACL explain how their God has (by their own stated belief) CREATED intersex people whom they now deny the right to marry! Demand an answer as to why someone created with intersex/hermaphrodite genitals can not marry in this country despite being exactly how they were allegedly “created” by their “creator”. Surely there’s no better reason for any “soul” to go to “hell” than they’ve denied rights to one of “God’s creations”! Demand they support a change to the current law by quoting their own beliefs back to them. That will screw them right up.

    We all know the ACL are a bunch of bigots, let’s win an argument not give them victim status they crave for their own political reasons.