Ballarat to host mass same-sex wedding ceremony

Ballarat to host mass same-sex wedding ceremony
Image: Image: Facebook.

AS part of an upcoming rally to champion marriage equality in Australia, regional Victorian town Ballarat will also host a mass same-sex wedding ceremony.

After marching through the streets of Ballarat same-sex couples will be able to take part in a mock wedding ceremony to help demonstrate that there are people in regional Australia waiting to get married as well.

One of the organisers of the event, Koby Lance Bunney, posted on the Facebook event.

“We are forced to once again gather and shout to Canberra that we are sick of being denied full participation within society without exclusion and discrimination under the law,” he wrote.

“Please help us out by sharing the event and inviting your friends.

“We need the heterosexual community, our allies, to come out and have our backs as well – so please come and give us a hand guys.”

In the description for the event it states that it has been time [for marriage equality] for far too long.

“Malcolm Turnbull could allow a free vote and call a vote and give us the right to full participation in society without fear of discrimination, but will he?”

Ballarat’s marriage equality rally and mass wedding ceremony will take place on Saturday 22 July at 1pm. For more details and to RSVP click here.

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