NZ: civil unions ‘not enough’

NZ: civil unions ‘not enough’

LegaliseLove, a grassroots New Zealand campaign, is calling for full human rights for non-heterosexual New Zealanders.

The campaign said, although LGBT New Zealanders having the right to enter into civil unions, it was now time to finish the job.

“LegaliseLove is a campaign working towards two things: marriage equality and adoption rights for non-heterosexual New Zealanders,” the campaign stated on its website.

The campaign also said that under New Zealand law a same-sex partnership cannot adopt as a couple, but can as individuals, which creates significant legal issues for same-sex families.

LegaliseLove have planned a march to the New Zealand Parliament on October 20.

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3 responses to “NZ: civil unions ‘not enough’”

  1. I have two daughters one is Gay and one is Straight and I am so bloody proud of both of them. One day I hope to be known as MIL to both of them, not a pseudo Mother in Law, to my Gay daughter’s partner. Now that is my right.

  2. As a sole parent I rock, but society say’s that I don’t. I have 2 daughters one is Gay one is Straight, they are both happy and secure in who they are.. what more could a parent ask for. They have a life that is their’s to be lived, how they choose. So yes as a parent, I think I have been able to put their needs first. Isn’t that what matters here, a persons right to be who they are no matter what, especially when it comes to your own children. I already call myself a ‘pseudo mother in law’ when I am talking to my daughters girlfriend and she loves it. But I do not want to be pseudo, I want to be the real deal, and that is ‘my’ right.

  3. Hypocrisy at it’s most obvious; when sociality it is stated that sole parent families do not function. Same sex parents will do the same as most hetro parents do, bring their children up in a loving healthy environment, so what is the problem. I do not believe the old wives tale, that a Gay couple will raise Gay children. If that was true why do straight parents raise children that are Gay?