Shake ‘n’ wake

Shake ‘n’ wake

Think about some of the most delicious experiences you’ve had, especially related to sex, food or any sensory pleasures. They probably linger in your mind because you’re able to recall the taste, touch, aromas, sensations and feelings they aroused.
When you’re able to tune in with all your senses, experiences become more pleasurable, intense and memorable.
This week, we’re moving deeper into tantric territory with a meditation exercise designed to heighten awareness, sensitise you physically and emotionally and energise your body. This exercise will also ground you in the present moment — important when you want to fully enjoy your sexy business!
Body-based meditations can be powerful, intense and cathartic experiences. And while you might initially think you look or feel silly doing it, there’s also a reminder here that silliness can free us from feeling too grown-up and self-important, allowing us to play and be childlike occasionally.
Stand in an open, quiet space and close your eyes. Allow five to 15 minutes for each stage.
Stage 1: Close your eyes and start to shake. Shake your hands, arms, legs, belly, head and face, every part of your body as much as you can. You might find the shaking begins to happen on its own. Start to make sounds, speak gibberish, say ‘blah blah blah’ over and over or make up your own language. Allow whatever wants to come out of your mouth to come out.
Stage 2: Dance around the room. It’s better not to dance like you’re on the podium at Arq — it doesn’t matter how you look. Just move however your body wants to move. After a few minutes, do your best Wonder Woman impression and start whirling around the room, in one direction and then the other. Keep your eyes open slightly but unfocused. Start slowly, then speed up, and when you start feeling dizzy, slow down and reverse direction. Less is more with the whirling — don’t overdo it.
Stage 3: Sit or lie down and be still. Focus on your heartbeat and breathe.
This is a great way to help release any negativity, quiet the mind and get energy flowing through the body. You might notice more feeling in your hands and arms, or that parts of your body feel lighter and more awake.
Whatever the effects, this state of heightened awareness is the perfect beginning for more intense and enjoyable sex. Give it a whirl!

info: Experience tantric massage with Between The Sheets columnist Tantraguy. Visit…..tantraguy for more info.

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