Frontrunners give bowling a go

Frontrunners give bowling a go

On a brilliant sunny Sunday in early April, approximately 20 members of the Frontrunners running club joined 20 members of Unbiased Bowling for an afternoon of fun on the greens at Marrickville Bowling Club.

As most of the young men had never held a bowl, the Unbiased members took them under their wing and shared the finer points of lawn bowls, offering handy hints like “Don’t call them balls,” and “Always keep the little circle on the inside”.

After a few basic instructions, down went the jack and the first bowls were sent down the green — it was only then the realisation hit that lawn bowls is a tad bit more involved than it first

Still, much fun was had and all involved enjoyed the day. A shortened game was run and, strangely enough, at the end of play, the teams seemed to have reached a tie.

Afterwards, some of the Frontrunners joined their new Unbiased Bowling mates for a few cold drinks and a debrief on how they liked bowls and would come again.

“What impressed me and other Unbiased members was how quickly our guests took to the game and were improving end to end,” Unbiased Bowling public relations officer Peter Manson said.

“They invited us to join them in a fun run but a groan went up from the older Unbiased men and something about ‘Oh, my aching knees’.”


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