Money, money, money

Money, money, money

As a child I would get pocket money for removing weeds and rocks on our property. It would be straight down to the shops and all spent at once. I think I have a savings disorder!

I’ve tried everything from special savings accounts to money boxes. I turn into a Hollywood movie — every time I have spare cash, it’s Spend Spend Spend.

But I have to do something about it urgently. With a trip to the USA in June with the Convicts to defend their world title and Singapore soon after, there is no time to dilly-dally.

I make a good living — it’s just the programming between my purse and my head needs to be rewired.

Like most contract workers, instead of one pay day each week, I receive numerous payments from different companies. I also don’t get things like holiday pay and sick pay, so all spending needs to be planned to the nearest dollar.

The first few years were difficult. I would check my bank account and think I was a millionaire, have a huge weekend and end up on two-minute noodlessoon after.

Is there an easy way to budget? I have bills coming in, then there are little surprises like Mardi Gras knocking at my front door. Maybe I have bower bird syndrome where I have to have anything shiny.

I’ve started the ball rolling and downloaded every budget I can to my iPhone and PC, I’m going to be pinching pennies from here on in. I’ll reuse all the old stubs of make-up I have floating around the house, dust off costumes from the last decade, even re-pin hairstyles now living in the dead wig section.

Watch out USA, I’m a’coming. I may have to sleep in a tent and eat canned trans fats but I will be there.

info: Getting around with Maxi. Monday: Camp Monday, Stonewall Hotel. Tuesday: Karaoke, Stonewall Hotel. Wednesday: Adults Only Karaoke, Scruffy Murphy’s. Thursday: Members Draw, Oxford Hotel. Friday: Members Draw, Mansions Hotel in Kings Cross then Colombian Hotel for Instant Replay. Saturday: Hard, Midnight Shift. Sunday: Tale of Two Titties, Midnight Shift.

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