Pop goes the PC

Pop goes the PC

My life has been turned upside down. It started its downward spiral about a month ago when I thought it would be OK to let someone stick his hard drive into my PC.
Almost instantly there was a warning sign on the screen. “What have you done to me?” I yelped from my make-up mirror. “Oh nothing, it’s not my hard drive, it must be your PC.”
He lied … and now I am paying the price.
My friends all asked why I wasn’t on a Mac and after a comedy of errors downloading all the programs I was advised were necessary for my ‘upgraded’ PC, I am going to do just that.
Even the good (and cute) boys at Dick Smith were unable to help me fix the computer that has given me so many hours of pleasure (and no, I don’t mean just on Gaydar!).
In an effort to salvage the precious documents on my PC I lugged it to my best mate’s place who managed to work a bit of magic on it — earning him a big hug.
I raced home and powered up the PC which flicked on, buzzed, whizzed and popped before departing to IT heaven.
I now have to face facts. My music is gone. My past columns are gone. Bookmarks and saved passwords — now thin air.
So I am off to buy myself a Mac — as soon as I finish rehearsing and devising new shows to keep the punters at the venues around town happy.

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One response to “Pop goes the PC”

  1. Unless its the hard drive that buzzed, whizzed and popped, why don’t you rip it out and hook it up somewhere so you can fetch all the data off of it?

    Any IT person who has ever taken apart or put together a computer’s physical bits will know what I’m talking about.

    Hang on, my bad. The PC must die a painful, spiteful and cursed death in order to pave the way for a new mac. Yay, mac!