Sad Dyke Sundays

Sad Dyke Sundays
Image: Photo: saddsundays / Instagram

Don’t be a Sad Dyke on your own babe, get your self down to The Bearded Tit for Sad Dyke Sundays and revel in the one thing misery loves best: company!

Share your woes, “rest your sore head, nurse your sad heart  and be surrounded by other sentimental sapphics” in a safe, lovely environment.

Hosted weekly, this event has been running for around 2 years and has amassed a loyal following! 


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Sad Dyke Sundays

When: Sundays, 4–10pm
The Bearded Tit, 183 Regent St, Redfern
Tickets: Free (unless there is a special musical guest, check here for door ticket prices week-to-week)
The Bearded Tit is wheelchair accessible, with accessible non-gendered bathrooms. For an accessible map of the venue click here or go to their website and scroll down to ‘Accessibility’

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