The Drag Race Down Under Final Four Spill The Tea Ahead Of The Finale

After an amazing season of Drag Race Down Under the end is finally in sight for our talented top four.
As they prepare to find out just who will take home the crown, Vybe, Freya Armani, lazy Susan and Mandy Moobs sat down to chat with Michael James about everything they loved about this season.
I love that you’re all as vibrant as you are on the screen, you guys were such a joy on this season of Drag Race Down Under. Did you enjoy it as much as it looked like you were enjoying it?
Freya Armani: I think the clear answer is yeah. We had so much fun.
Vybe: Absolutely. Like every day was a giggle, every challenge was a challenge, but we giggled our way through it.
Mandy Moobs: It was an absolute pleasure, it never felt like a chore it was just like, let’s go hang out with the girls.
So we’re at the end. So first thing I have to say is congratulations, no more NDA’s yay!
Mandy Moobs: Secrets out!
So I’m wondering for each of you, what was the best story you came up with about why you had to be away for three weeks?
Mandy Moobs: I told everyone I went on a wine tour ’cause I do them very often. This time I was off to the Barossa Valley in Adelaide. But got on the wrong plane and ended up in New Zealand!
Vybe: I actually didn’t tell anyone anything, but Universal the gorgeous venue that we’re in today actually told everyone that I went to rehab and then other friends told everyone that I had an overseas wedding. It was good to come back to have people ask “how are you?” You as I’m holding 2 double vodka Red Bulls! I’m doing great. How are you? Hahaha
Freya Armani: I told people that I went to Japan because I’ve never been and they believed it!
Lazy Susan: No one asked. Susan just disappeared.
So where were you when you found out that you were on Drag Race Down Under? That would have been a moment for you.
Lazy Susan: At the Fitzroy Library, my phone started to ring and I answered it and I walked past this guy and I’m like, “don’t steal my fucking laptop!” I was like, fully having, a moment. And it was incredible. But then I had to make over a librarian and I lost. So, support your local librarians!
Freya Armani: I when I got my call, I was asleep. So I was like, Oh my God. Please call me back! I’m here! I woke up and my heart started racing. I was like, “Oh no! I’m never gonna get the chance again. Anyway, then I got them to call me. And they were like, hey, you’re going to be on!
Mandy Moobs: Mine is not a fun story. I was just at work. I was just with a client I was just sewing and then I got the call and I’m like, “oh, hi. I’ll call you back in 10 minutes. Sorry!”
Vybe:I was home alone, so I answered the call and when it finished I started bawling my eyes out. I ran into everyone elses bedroom like Oh my God, no, next one. Oh my God, no, next!, So I just grabbed dog and told him, it was great, it was cute.
All right, we’re going to crack open some more questions. We got a very important one we need to know if it was resolved. A very, very delicate issue from the show, Was it sheer or was it fucking translucent?
Vybe: When we know when we’ll tell you!
Mandy Moobs: Let it go. Let it go!
Lazy Susan: Leave us. We will not be answering any further questions. Goodbye! [laughs]
Mandy Moobs : No, it was sheer! I was just annoyed!
Lazy Susan: Thank you, you heard it from Amanda’s mouth.
Freya Armani: Does it matter? She won anyways, it doesn’t matter!
Mandy Moobs: It does matter, See, Michael is asking it does!
Lazy Susan: Well Michael, I would counter, is a licorice also to dessert?
Mandy Moobs: Yes it is!
I love this interview, I knew it would descend into chaos! So interesting question. Going into the finale. Track records? Obviously we’ve got 3, 2, 1, 0 in terms of wins…
Freya Armani: Mini! I have a mini Michael!
Vybe: It’s 1/2.
Freya Armani: Yeah, it’s a half!
My point though is I suppose going into recording finale, you hadn’t seen seasons of the internationals that we’ve just seen. Since you recorded the show we’ve watched Alyssa, La Voix and Nymphia and more all take out the crown without being the the key frontrunners in terms of wins. Has that kind of changed what you were thinking about going into the Drag Race Down Under finale tomorrow?
Mandy Moobs: Well, I feel like it’s really anyone’s game.
Lazy Susan: Yeah, I think I would prefer it not to be [laughs] but unfortunately. I think that that’s the thing about the show is that it should be even and equal, if you are fighting with really talented people. You’ll see the episode, I think it is incredible, it’s a really great finale.
Vybe: That’s the thing I think I keep remembering is that we have one more challenge to watch. Which is the finale episode, so it’s weird to try and think who is or isn’t winning anything because we actually haven’t seen the full story yet.
Mandy Moobs: Yeah, we’re all safe. The winner is you because you enjoyed this season [laughs]
Vybe: Give us our fucking money! Hahaha
All right, seeing you be al congenial there, could you each name for me one. Who, if wewe had to decide right now, would you name Miss Congeniality for the season if it’s up to you.
Lazy Susan: Vybe because she did always bring a fucking amazing vibe to set.
Vybe: I think Mandy, because she helped everyone so much. Or Brenda.
Freya Armani: I think I’ll say Vybe as well.
Mandy Moobs: I’m gonna say Rhys because he made me giggle. Or Maybe Brenda? But also like, controversially, I think Nikita.
Lazy Susan: Brenda was amazing!
Vybe: What? No. Nikita in the edit, Nikita in the edit, not on the actual thing!. That’s how it is. People say she’s so nice and I’m like who are you talking about?
Mandy Moobs: Back looking back maybe she was nice?
Vybe: Yeah! Maybe we’re the C*nts!
Alright, so we we’re talking about Rhys a moment ago, they are obviously one of our judges, but the big surprise for this season was no Rupaul and you had Michelle instead? What was your reaction when you found out about Michelle Visage hosting and what was your favourite Michelle moment that you had with her?
Vybe: I think the reaction was like actual excitement I think the unknown of how it was going to be was like, we’ve never seen Michelle host a season like this is the first time. So I don’t know. It felt to me like a bit of a a chance for Drag Race Down Under to have its own thing its own flavour. My favourite Michelle moment was every time that we started saying good morning, Michelle. She was like, fuck me, it’s like being at school!
Mandy Moobs: My reaction was like I just went straight into competition mode when I got the call, I was like. OK, Ru is not here. Who’s head judge? Michelle. Great. So let’s impress her. Like it was just straight competition. Like if Rhys was the main judge. I’m like, OK, fabulous. That’s what we’re doing this season. My favorite Michelle Moment was when she slapped my ass!
Vybe: Yeah, that was gay.
Mandy Moobs: She hits hard!
Vybe: Yeah, she’s a hard hitting top!
Mandy Moobs: She really went in, I’ve got bruises. I can still feel her!
Freya Armani: It’s the New Jersey in her. I was just excited ’cause I love her, I’m a huge fan of Michelle Visage. Favorite moment? There was one unaired. I don’t know if I can say it, but I’m going to say it. Where she we were talking about where we’re from and I said Philly and she said New Jersey blah blah. And then she was like, oh, I’m basically your mother. I was like yes!
Lazy Susan: I think is this season the very first season that’s been judged by a woman like head judge. That and that to me, is everything, like when I got my learners. I can’t do it unless I’m being judged by a woman! I think Michelle is everything to me. She judged me the very first time I was ever on stage in drag and she judged me now, she’s the best. But no the best moments were just like I remember after Snatch Game, when we were still in that jungle. They took us out to location that day [Laughs].
Vybe: Yeah, yeah, big outdoor day.
Lazy Susan: And she said, hey, you’ve got to do your other impressions for Rhys and Kita. She just sat there and she was like, no, do Phair Lap!. And I was just was very l sweet to know that she was getting a little giggle.
Freya Armani: I’ve got another favourite moment. I think it was just like the like off bits. When we would cut and she would just come over and chat with us, was just so loving, yeah.
Mandy Moobs: She really wanted to know who we are as a person and was very interested in our backgrounds and like, wanted us to succeed and we wanted her to succeed.
Freya Armani: She cared.
Mandy Moobs: It was just a beautiful experience.
So talking about Snatch Game, the challenges they tweaked up a little bit this year. I’m curious what challenge would you like to see them retire from the show completely?
Freya Armani: I think Snatch Game, it’s very date.
Vybe: I love Snatch Game. I will say and Mandy’s gonna get mad at this but fuck the sewing challenge off.
Mandy Moobs: No!
Vybe: Actually, more specifically, the unconventional material sewing challenge. If we had to do one of those, yeah, I would have been angrier than just the sewing challenge.
Lazy Susan: My pitch is that they do an alternation on the ending. And sometimes do like a rapid fire like reading challenge. And this is coming from me but like but a reading challenge or something instead of a lip sync for your life. Not every time. I would love just like different like penultimate moments like that. Kind of the different areas of drag.
Mandy Moobs: Fine. I just wasn’t good at [The roast] but I don’t know. Auditioning for a role challenge? Maybe?
Vybe: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Mandy Moobs: It was awful!
Yeah, that was a big swing and a miss kind of challenge. They hadn’t done one like that before. How did it feel going into that kind of being so isolated doing a challenge?
Vybe: Confusing. Isolating.
Mandy Moobs: Well, I was a baby. So I had no thoughts in my brain that day.
All right. Now obviously the most important thing that we love about Drag Race Down Under is the ability to platform our local drag and everybody really makes an important effort to talk about that. And I love seeing that. So who’s someone from each of your cities that you would love to see on the next season to platform your cities?
Vybe: I’ll give you. I’ll give you 2 from Sydney. Sia Tequila and Ivy League.
Lazy Susan: Oh my God. Your housemates babe.
Vybe: Yeah, that would be the first house with four Queens that have all been on Drag Race Down Under.
Mandy Moobs: I want to see my sister Vollie Lavont I feel like she’ll be great for th show. Oh and my daughter Galene tuckwood. She’s a sewing little trans icon and I think she’d be Absolutely Fabulous because she’s a dickhead like me,why not keep it in the family?
Freya Armani: Speaking of keeping it in the family, I’ll say my drag mother Luna thick and Chocolate Boxx!
Lazy Susan: Yeah, I can’t not say my sister Zelda Moon, obviously, but also I think it’s time for someone like Space Horse.
Vybe: Yeah!
Mandy Moobs: Oh and also Henny spaghetti!
It was an absolute pleasure to have you all. You thank you so much. You have done an absolutely sensational season and it’s going be impossible to pick who’s going to win! Have a fabulous day and good luck to all of you.
Tune in in to see will walk away with the crown tonight at 5pm for the Drag Race Down Under Season Four grand finale streaming on Stan Australia.
Watch the full interview with Michael James and the final four below.