Classification Board bans female orgasm

Classification Board bans female orgasm

Drew Sheldrick
Customs officials have been accused of confiscating depictions of the female orgasm in imported adult video content when accompanied by an ejaculation.

It follows the Classification Board’s decision to start classifying films featuring female ejaculation as ‘refused classification’ (RC) rather than giving them an X rating. Films that show both male and female ejaculation have routinely been given an X rating since the category’s introduction in 1984.

X-rated films are legally available for sale or hire from the ACT and the Northern Territory. The law permits X-rated films to be possessed for personal use but they are not legally available for sale or hire elsewhere in Australia.

Australian Sex Party convenor Fiona Patten told Sydney Star Observer she had been notified by adult entertainment importers that titles featuring this particular activity have been confiscated.  On contacting customs officials she was told they had been directed to seize such content.

She said she believes the films are given the RC rating on one of two grounds: the depictions are a form of urination banned under the label ‘golden showers’ in the classification guidelines or the board believes female ejaculation is an ‘abhorrent’ depiction.

“All women ejaculate at orgasm, in the same way that all men do. In some women, the amount is very small and not distinguishable from normal vaginal lubrication, however, some women can and do ejaculate large quantities of fluid and under great pressure,” she said.

“Female ejaculation has now been described in scientific literature as being as real as male ejaculation and women’s ejaculate is as different from urine as men’s is.”

Giving such depictions an RC rating will also affect the amount of material that will be blacklisted by Communications Minister Stephen Conroy’s proposed internet filter. The filter seeks to remove web users’ access to any site given the RC rating.

“There are over one million sites featuring female ejaculation and for Australia to be banning depictions and discussion of this important issue takes us back to the Victorian era where they didn’t even believe that women could have orgasms,” Patten said.

The Australian Sex Party wants new appointees to the Classification Board and the Classification Review Board to do a short course in the latest scientific developments around sexuality and a biology course to bring them up to date with the broad range of acceptable adult sexuality.

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2 responses to “Classification Board bans female orgasm”

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