Cruising outside the nightclubs
Hello sailor! How many of us have longed to hear or say those words?
Sailing conjures up images of uniforms, tropical ports (and a conquest in every one), rum, freedom of the open ocean, dark cabins and cabin boys, water sport, ropes, discipline on the high seas, floggings at the mast -¦ oh sorry, where was I?
Have you ever wanted to take up sailing, have a boat (with or without crew) or just want other sailors or boating enthusiasts to socialise with?
The Australian Sailing and Cruising Club is a group of GLBT sailors and their friends based in Sydney. It has a membership of about 60: some interested in racing, some in cruising (sail and power) and all interested in socialising with a fantastic group of people.
We have members from all parts of our community and there is sure to be a crew that suits you, spokeswoman Claire Rowlands said.
Races are held in Sydney Harbour for the competitive yachties every two weeks or so, normally followed by the boats mooring together in a sheltered spot for a bit of lunch or afternoon tea.
The cruising division has its own events with boats powering off together, putting up a sail (if they have one, conditions are perfect and they feel energetic enough), stopping for lunch or dinner and then going home when they feel like it.
The cruising and racing divisions also join together for picnics, treasure hunts, and other events.
A perfect example was the recent concert at Farm Cove where a number of boats moored nearby to listen to the music away from the crowds, Rowlands said.
We also have a week long Broken Bay cruise each year where boats and crews gather in Broken Bay for a week of events culminating in the Commodore’s Cocktail Party.
If this sounds to your liking then feel free to call in to one of our social meetings and introduce yourself.
Info: Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month upstairs at the Flinders Hotel in Taylor Square. Meetings start at about 7.30 and are very social. If you would like to read more about the ASCC visit