Viagra sodas

Viagra sodas

A couple of weeks ago we discussed the incredible success of the range of drinks known as alcoholic sodas. Since 1985 we have achieved a great deal of success in reducing alcohol consumption in this country. To offset this downturn in consumption levels alcohol companies have created a range of new drinks to attract a new youth market. These are known as the alcoholic sodas or ready-to-drinks (RTDs).

According to the UK Observer, libido-boosting drinks have flooded into English bars this European summer as young clubbers are targeted with a potent new range of products that have been dubbed Viagra pops.

Powerful blends of Chinese aphrodisiacs, vodka and passionfruit will create a generation of randy super beings, according to drinks manufacturers who expect this new range of drinks to rock the market in a similar way that the alcoholic sodas have done over the past few years. Thankfully none will actually contain Viagra, instead they will rely on Chinese herbs commonly known as Horny Goat Weed.

As you can imagine health experts are up in arms about this new range of drinks which are once again directly marketed towards young people -“ the area where we see the most dangerous drinking practices already occurring. Of course it’s all about marketing. Is it going to be the Horny Goat Weed that really contributes to the boyfriend looking any better, or is it the couple of bottles of alcohol?

What is worse is that these drinks are often directed towards young women. Alcohol affects women differently to men. The blood alcohol level in a woman’s body will almost always be higher than that in a man’s body after drinking exactly the same amount of alcohol. This is because women tend to have a smaller physical build than men, so alcohol is distributed (throughout the body’s water) over a smaller volume. Women also tend to have more fatty tissue than men, and alcohol is not taken up by fatty tissue. As a result the alcohol will be more concentrated in a woman’s body, producing a higher blood alcohol level.

The liver is the main organ of the body responsible for removing alcohol from the bloodstream. On average, women have smaller livers than men, and the ability to break down alcohol is limited by the size of the liver. It is for these reasons that women often get drunk more quickly than men and they recover from drinking more slowly than men. In addition, women may develop liver damage and other health problems at lower levels of alcohol consumption than men. It is therefore recommended that women drink less alcohol than men.

Be aware that alcohol causes half of all drug-related deaths among young people in Australia. We’re not saying don’t have a good time, just drink responsibly and be aware that alcohol companies are making an awful lot of money out of you!

Remember: if you do not want any negative consequences, do not use the drug, and no matter how many times you have used a substance, never be blas?

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