Disney cleans up its gay act

Disney cleans up its gay act

A second Hollywood actor has come out in the space of a week. David Ogden Stiers, best known as Major Charles Winchester on M*A*S*H, said he stayed closeted for fear he would lose voice-acting work with Disney.

-œI enjoy working and many have this idealistic belief that the entertainment industry and studios like Walt Disney are gay-friendly. For the most part they are, but that doesn’t mean for them that business does not come first, he told Oklahoma City LGBT website gossip-boy.com.

-œWhat they might allow in a more known actor, they prefer not having to deal with in minor players.

But the overt discrimination and suggestions from employers that he remain closeted ended around seven years ago, he said, and he had no ill-will towards them.

Stiers starred in Disney’s Lilo & Stitch, Beauty and the Beast and Pocahontas.

Tom Cruise’s Top Gun co-star Kelly McGillis also came out last week.

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