Editorial: Melbourne’s Star shines bright again

Editorial: Melbourne’s Star shines bright again
Image: The cover of the first issue of the 2019 Melbourne Star Observer

Looking back on the history of the Star Observer’s Melbourne publications, it is incredibly fitting that exactly 34 years to the month of its first issue, we are returning to a Victorian focused Star Observer under new owners Out Publications.

Starting with a modest print run, the first issue of the Melbourne Star Observer was published in 1985 on the 27th of September; evolving in size and content with name changes, new editorial teams and owners over 15 years until the collapse of Satellite Media. 

There were attempts to restart a Melbourne paper, but the Star Observer continued moving forward as a national publication as it transitioned to a monthly publication and built its brand online. 

34 years ago, you could see that Victorians were hungry for queer news that related to them, speaking specifically to their issues and communities. This is something we continue to see today in the changing landscape of print and online media. 

Our stories, issues and culture deserve more than just a footnote in Australia’s collective LGBTQI history, and that is why we are here doing what we do.

In the past month, queer Victorians have seen our community rally together against the Religious Discrimination Bill and stand in solidarity as trans and gender diverse Victorians will finally be allowed to change their birth certificates to reflect their true gender marker; we have seen our inclusive rugby team celebrate ten years on the field and the heartbreak at the passing local legend Bruce Mckenzie – and these are just four big moments that have occurred.

The Star Observer has never stopped informing, entertaining, elevating and reflecting the lives, issues and passions of LGBTQI Victorians for all to see. Now as we return to our monthly Melbourne edition, that is something you will continue to see grow and flourish in the months and years to come. 

Welcome back Melbourne Star Observer! We look forward to you picking up each new issue every month.

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