Victorian Government introduces history-making bill for trans people

Victorian Government introduces history-making bill for trans people

THE Victorian Government has introduced a bill that will allow trans and gender diverse people to change the sex on their birth certificate without having undergone sex reassignment surgery.

It will also remove the “forced trans divorce” process, which had previously forced trans people to divorce their partners to ensure they weren’t remaining in an illegal same-sex marriage.

Previously, legislation required trans and gender diverse people to have undergone the costly and intensive sex reassignment surgery before being able to apply for a change in their birth certificate.

The new bill will make it far simpler for a trans person to alter their birth certificate as a means to reflect their true gender identity.

Premier Daniel Andrews said the bill shows once again that in Victoria, equality is non-negotiable, Pedestrian reported

“This is more than just a piece of paper to a lot of people,” he said.

“This is about removing legal barriers and making life a lot more convenient and comfortable.

“Everybody has the right to be who they are… and there’s no reason that shouldn’t be reflected on someone’s birth certificate.”

The changes will allow a person to nominate the sex descriptor on their birth certificate as male, female, or they’ll be able to specify a gender diverse or non-binary descriptor.

A trans or gender diverse child’s parent will also be able to apply for the change with the child’s consent, if the child is under 16 years of age.

If an alteration needs to be made to a child’s certificate, the application will need to be accompanied by a supporting statement from a doctor or psychologist affirming the child has the capacity to consent.

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2 responses to “Victorian Government introduces history-making bill for trans people”

  1. This is disappointing news as you can’t change reality. If you want to change sex and more power to you then you need to have transition no if or buts…. A man biologically can’t be a WOMAN!

  2. This is long overdue. The bill might face a tough time in the upper house though – if it is opposed by the LNP. I really hope this bill passes. South Australia also has a similar bill pending in the lower house as well! Well done Victoria in taking a bold step in the right direction.

    The ACT already has the first laws within Australia that allow gender changes without surgery a couple of years ago.