A new year for a new you

A new year for a new you

The festive season is a time where we take stock of our lives. It is a great time to assess what we want, now and for our future. Is it a new job, partner, house, body, car, holiday, lifestyle or anything else? When you break your wants and needs down, it all boils down to being happy.

Are you happy? Many studies have shown that people who lead active lifestyles are happier than those who do not. There are many contributing factors to this.

Busy people feel they have purpose, which fulfils a basic human need. Those who do things like walking, going to the gym, or scuba diving meet people who share similar interests. The more people you meet the greater the chance of meeting someone you connect with as a friend or as a life partner or people who can help with your career plans.

Networking becomes part of life, not something you actively seek out at work functions or singles bars.

There are many internal things going on too. Endorphins are released through your hormonal system when you are active, giving you a natural high.

If you’re active, you have fewer health problems and therefore feel healthy rather than ill. Being fitter means you have more strength and energy.

Studies by Australian scientists and psychologists have also shown that active individuals suffer fewer mental health issues, from distress to more complex issues.

Over the last four years the Department of Human Services in association with sports scientists has been using exercise as a part of the solution for many mental illnesses. This practice has seen many patients stop their medications or lower their dosages.

Those who exercise and/or lead healthy active lifestyles are more confident. Confidence plays a major role in getting what you want. Some say a confident person lights up the room. They draw attention to themselves and others are drawn to them.

With confidence you dare to do and say more. This opens doors which lead you to greater happiness. You would approach that person and say hi, rather than wishing they would approach you. You would dare to ask for a pay rise as, with confidence, because you know you are worth it.

Recent research has shown that people who are fit and healthy are more likely to care about their appearance and grooming. This puts them in the Beautiful People category, according to Professor Daniel Hamermesh.

His research found that fit, well-groomed individuals seemed to be more successful at job interviews and promotions and tended to earn 3-5 percent more than the majority. He also found those who where unfit and poorly groomed earned 8-10 percent less than the average. The study also found that the fit and well-groomed received better service and enjoyed more pleasant interactions with others.

If you undertake a fit and active lifestyle, you will find it easier to obtain all you desire, in turn bringing about your happiness.

No matter what you want, the first step seems to be getting fitter and healthier to achieve your goal. By being happy and treating your body with respect and love you can achieve anything in life.

You have the power to take action, turning your life around. We are fortunate enough to live in a country with endless opportunities for you to grab with both hands.

Take the first step now -” become active, make a plan, call your fitness club and make it happen. It’s a New Year and a New You! So get up, get busy and let’s see you shine in ’09.

info: For more information about goal-setting, lifestyle and calculators visit our website: www.lifestylefit.com.au

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