Pluto and Jupiter conjunction in Sagittarius

Pluto and Jupiter conjunction in Sagittarius

What would happen if you put the god of the underworld, Pluto, and the god of social justice, Jupiter, in the same room together?
A scene from the TV show Oz?
Whatever it will be, it won’t be a scene from Playschool.
From 11 to 18 December, Pluto conjuncts with Jupiter in Sagittarius. A conjunction is when two planets are in 5 degrees off each other. Astrologically this is a positive effect as the two planets are strengthened by each other.
Pluto is a transformational planet symbolically likened to the Phoenix Rising and Jupiter is a bit like Santa Claus – the bearer of gifts.
So we could see societies and people who have been repressed receiving justice and freedom.
What area of your life it will affect will depend on where this conjunction falls within your own individual star sign.
The ramifications of this conjunction will have a long-term effect.
The current major conjunction follows on from last week. Again, the focus is on higher education, adventure and philosophy. Transformation of character should be your focus and this could take the form of long-distance travel. This is a great opportunity to make an extension to who you are as a person.
Discovering your power and re-discovering yourself are a result of looking back over last year and acknowledging your changes. Next year will be the platform to learn about the new you and to test out some of the changes you’ve made. Take comfort in the fact you’ve reached a new level.
The sky is the limit when it comes to what you and your loved one can accomplish. This is a great chance for evolution to take place in all your relationships and how you deal with others. This can also result in a different perspective on love that may feel out of the ordinary, but that’s what happens when something old turns into something new.
Maintaining your mental, emotional and physical health is linked to the way you serve others and take care of your own needs. When balancing these three attributes, the best place to start is with yourself. Use compassion, wisdom and take reality checks regularly to stay on track and maintain your equilibrium.
Issues around your self-expression and creativity are about to reach a climax. You may have already noticed changes in the way you express yourself, as well as the benefits that have come from it. Keep your ego in check and continue to shine, showing the world just exactly what you are worth. Also realise it yourself.
Execute the plans you have been making lately, to clear away the residue of past issues. This is about making your year to come a secure one. It relates to last week’s forecast as well, where it talked about domestic affairs and developments. Your relationship zone is also involved.
The combination of planets in this part of your chart urges you to get in touch with your shadow side and bring your entire being into acceptance. In your efforts to weigh everything up, you can become over-analytical. This is the time to evolve your thought process beyond what you previously knew. By accepting the positive and negative, you regain control.
Confidence goes a long way and you are about to get a big boost. You hold a lot of power, talents and skills that are now amplified. Your cash situation will also improve. This is not a time for second guessing yourself and being overly self-critical. This is a fresh start where the only way is up.
It’s still about transformation of your individuality. Each sign always gets the chance to evolve their being. However, this conjunction in your sign is like no other. To speak of once-in-a-lifetime opportunities would be unjust – this is a once-in-five-lifetimes opportunity. Imagine the significance. Imagine what you can become.
Like your next-door neighbour, Sagittarius, this is a golden time for you too. The gap between your conscious and your subconscious is about to narrow, significantly. Your dreams will feel like they can be reality, and you will find yourself grasping spiritual concepts more than you ever have before. A new understanding is emerging.
Aquarius rules the 11th house of networks, groups, society and wishes. This conjunction takes place in the same zone for you. You can only excel in your natural environment and this is what’s happening. Humanitarianism and brotherly love are your theme for 2008.
You are coming into the power of your career and expansion of your social position. This conjunction can help you become a pioneer in your chosen field. Don’t try to be something you’re not. Just go with your natural rhythm, coupled with the discoveries you made mid-November and it will flow nicely.

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