LGBTI seniors ‘must be heard’

LGBTI seniors ‘must be heard’

Peak Australian GLBTI health organisation the National LGBTI Health Alliance has called on the Department of Health and Ageing to ensure a proposed complaints charter, to be used to assess aged care services, be made more user friendly for LGBTI seniors.

Alliance chair Paul Martin said LGBTI seniors experiencing discrimination need to have their complaints heard in a safe environment and a specific reference to them is needed in any future document.

“The draft service charter is a bland document which would not encourage a LGBTI individual or same-sex couple to make a complaint and believe it would be handled in a safe manner,” Martin said.

“What the charter needs is a strongly worded diversity clause, which specifically refers to LGBTI people.”

Mr Martin said without a strong service charter a complaints scheme in aged care services would be less effective.

“At the moment, the charter has no reference to the types of bullying, harassment and discrimination faced by LGBTI people – or anyone else,” he said.

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4 responses to “LGBTI seniors ‘must be heard’”

  1. When we are included in the Federal Equal Opportunity Act, we will all have the right to health services such as Nursing homes. Until that day happens, we are confined to getting by on the kindness of some Nursing home staff, who see the absurdity of the discrimination that is taking place. Some older members of our community, are not so fortunate and are suffering entrenched discrimination.

    Until we have protections in the Federal Equal Opportunity Act, I am voting Green. I am not prepared to let older Australians be subject to discrimination and abuses I would not want or expect of myself. The Greens are the only party in power that advocates for the removal of all discrimination. The party of fairness and a fair go not just for the environment, but all Australians.

    I want to know when I am old and my husband is old, that if we need care, then we will not be subject to the discrimination that currently takes place. Health care is a human right and your sexuality should not be a barrier to this fundamental right.

    It will take one day of parliament to end all discrimination in Australia. It is an easy thing to do, to change a few words, in some Acts that are refferenced by thousands of pieces of legislation.

    Gillard has the numbers, and can at any time end all discrimination in Australia. She has a Greens Upper House that is ready to side with Labor to end all discrimination. It is out of ugly hate that Gillard does the Judas on Labor and us the people.

  2. The Matrix Guild has done good work in renting out three apartments to older women. And GLHV has done excellent work with Val’s Cafe. Lets hope it continues to be well resourced.

  3. Sanctity of marriage my Arse!
    Ignorance is ignorance. It doesn’t matter how much you bless it or sanctity it…. It’s still ignorance.

  4. This is so true. I work in aged care, and it really is a taboo subject. Although it is acknowledged that many of the women residents are widows (and still use Mrs), the residents handbook goes so far as to say that residents are not permitted sexual relationships outside the sanctity of marriage!