Family First Senate Candidate Targets Midsumma Event

Family First Senate Candidate Targets Midsumma Event
Image: Bernie Finn pictured with Nigel Farage in 2022 (Image: Bernie Finn/Facebook)

A Family First Senate candidate has vowed to end the public funding for local councils that promote “LGBTQIA+ drag queen events” to children.

Bernie Finn, a former member of the Victorian Liberals, took to Facebook on Tuesday to express his “concerns” about a drag queen life drawing event by Hobson’s Bay City Council over the weekend.

“Our children deserve to be nurtured in environments that respect their innocent and promote clear, consistent values,” he said.

“Using public money to fund events that blur these lines is irresponsible.”

The event, “Drag Life Drawing Out West” was a free event held as part of Midsumma Westside, and supported by Hobsons Bay Creative City and Louis Joel Arts and Community.

The event was family-friendly and consisted of a fully-clothed drag performer, posing on the beach for people to draw and learn life drawing skills.

“Patrons who came on the day had an amazing time, got to meet other queer creatives in the west and also commented that they actually want more free, queer events and activities in the western suburbs,” said event organiser Matto Lucas.

“Every single person lit up with joy and delight seeing the drag queen pose for the drawing cohort – some coming over wanting photos with them and others encouraged to sit down with us and and draw and be included.

“Nobody from FF [Family First] attended and so they would be unaware and possibly surprised to know that the broader community and the community in Altona certainly did love it and delight in seeing the activation.”

Family First ramp up election campaign

Finn, who had been a member of the Victorian Liberals since 1981, was expelled from the party in 2022 after he posted on Facebook that abortion should be banned, even for survivors of rape.

He joined Family First in 2023 as the lead Senate candidate for Victoria.

The party’s director, Lyle Shelton, was a notable campaigner against marriage equality. Since its legalisation, Shelton has directed much of his energy towards “LGBTIQA+ gender fluid ideology”.

He is currently being sued for discrimination by two Brisbane-based, former drag queens, after the pair hosted a “Drag Queen Story Time” in 2020. Shelton published a series of blog posts insinuating the performers were “dangerous role models for children”, and likened them to sex offenders Harvey Weinstein, and Jeffrey Epstein. The case is ongoing.

Shelton is leading the New South Wales Senate ticket in the upcoming federal election.

“Strong families with good mothers and fathers make strong communities which in turn make a strong nation,” Shelton said when his candidacy was announced in May 2024.

“Family, faith, life and freedom are the keys to a flourishing society.”

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