It’s showtime

It’s showtime

A show’s standard run given by clubs is usually about 13 weeks. Once the 13th week has hit, the time has come to either move on and give another cast a go or produce a sequel.

Verushka and I have just come out of an extended run. Jungle Red Women was such a hit with audiences (lots of swearing seems to be the key) that we have gone into overdrive to come up with a new hit.

Oh, the pressure! It starts like a traditional ceremony, with both parties arriving at my house with bags full of resource materials and snacks.

Before working with Verushka and Ms Claire De Lune this process was foreign to me. In producing a show I would grab a handful of songs I liked and head off to Ian Gordon’s who would mix them together and I would jump around.

Without a storyline or any sequence, I’m not sure what got me through those early years. Even I look back and get quite confused. God knows what the crowd was thinking.

This new process can last for up to a couple of weeks, with DVD viewing taking up hours and endless bags of Cheetos and chocolate consumed, as we search for an appropriate line or scene which will help push along our story.

With two creative heads bashing each other and increased levels of sugar and plastic food, the room can get quite heated.

Yes. No, that’s a shit idea. No, you’re shit, that’s why you’re ugly. That’s why you’re old. It is literally a meeting of the minds.

When it all finally comes together and we proclaim, We have a show, we slump into the lounge chairs.
So what is the new edition, you may ask? Will it be an epic? Will one of us be flying-foxed from the back of the room? All valid questions which unfortunately can’t be answered.

Here are some storylines we were bandying around.

Australia -” The story of a forehead that didn’t move.

Slumdrag Millionaire -” From the gutters to the stage, a story of triumph and struggle.

The Pageant -” Under the makeup there are real women!

The Drag has Two Faces -” Well-¦.

And one of my frontrunners, an Elvis classic, Jailhouse Cock -” A story of two showgirls making the best of a bad situation.

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