Mini vampire chronicles

Mini vampire chronicles

There was a singular fang hanging over Beau’s lip. He was too busy fixing his clothes to hold his lightsaber to tuck it back in.

“Daddy, can you tie my cape?” Chick had a set of black plastic fangs protruding from his mouth.

“Magic word, Chick


“Pleaseshh,” he sucked back some dribble. Mythical evil is one thing, manners are quite another.

I’m not surprised miniature vampires have manifested around the house lately. I’ve been catching up on some True Blood and while the men haven’t been watching over my shoulder, they have leftover fangs from
Halloween and decided they prefer them to their own teeth.

The other night, I was sitting at the kitchen bench with Beau doing his synonyms homework. I had spent the last two nights finishing Season 1 and was about to crack out Season 2.

“N-no, it’s a word that has the same mean…” I caught a shadow move behind me.

“Chicky, come and finish your reader.” Silence.

“Chick, are you there?” I could hear his muffled breathing.

He came out from around the corner. “But Dad, I already read it.”

Dressed in his pyjamas, black cape he’d borrowed from Batman’s outfit, his fangs, topped off with a black felt hat, looking at me with big blue eyes.

I laughed and set him and his fangs free.

Later as I tucked the boys into bed, Beau started hissing at me with his contorted vampire face, which is hilarious but still seriously scary.

“Love you, sleep well boys.” I giggled as I opened the front door and heard them hissing again. It was pitch black outside and the street lamp was glowing through the windy leaves of the tree next to it.

“Drive safely.” Dawn closed the door behind me.

There wasn’t a soul outside and the wind could mask any noise creeping up on you.

I got to my carpark an hour later and the eerie fluorescent lighting and grey cement sent chills up my spine. I ran to the door and fumbled my key, sending me into a mild panic. Home safe, I still reached for the remote. I love a good scare.

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