LGV: the facts

LGV: the facts

Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) is a particularly aggressive form of the chlamydia bacteria. It has been relatively rare,  but there have been several cases reported in Sydney over the past year.

LGV gets into the body through the mucus lining of the mouth, dick or inside of the arse. Anal sex without condoms is the easiest way this happens but using dildos in more than one man’s arse without condoms or correct cleaning between arses can also spread LGV.

Not everyone with LGV has symptoms or they can be missed.  When there are symptoms, they can include diarrhoea, bleeding and swollen glands, and can easily be misdiagnosed.

The good news is that treating LGV as soon as possible means it can be quickly cured with antibiotics and it will leave no lasting damage.

Condoms reduce the chances of getting LGV, as does using latex gloves during arse play and fisting. Washing your hands with soap and warm water immediately after sex can help prevent infection.

Next week: LGV and HIV

info: Further information on LGV and other STIs is available at www.thedramadownunder.info

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