Mandy Moobs, Vybe And Freya Armani Dish On The Drag Race Down Under Finale

Last week saw Lazy Susan take out the crown on Drag Race Down Under and joining her in the final four were Mandy Moobs, Vybe and Freya Armani.
Each of the finalists sat down to chat with Michael James about their time in the finale, their time on the show and what’s next in their drag careers.
Mandy Moobs On Her Drag Race Down Under Checklist
For Mandy Moobs the Drag Race Down Under journey wasn’t ever about winning the competition.
Going into the show she set herself goals to achieve during her time on screen, all of which she gladly ticked off.
“I went on just to just like complete a few like my own mental checklist of what I wanted to get out of the experience. Like I always imagined myself getting all the way to the final did that. I really wanted to do well on the Snatch Game. I did that. I really wanted to win the sewing challenge and I did. So like I checked off everything that I wanted to get out of Drag Race. Like the producers booked, Mandy Moobs for the show. I just gave them Mandy Moobs.”
Going into the grand finale for many it felt like Lazy Susan was ready to walk home with the win, but watching it live it felt like the tide could potentially be turning in favour of Mandy. It was an idea Mandy almost started to entertain as she watched it back.
“Yeah, going into the final, I think like in my heart of hearts, I knew I wasn’t going to win. So I was really at peace with it all.”
“But then watching back that final episode, I was like. Maybe I have a chance? I don’t know? Cause I know out there in the universe there is footage of me being crowned. And I was like maybe…? But then, I was totally at peace with it. There’s nothing wrong with second place.”
Like many of the Drag Race franchises around the world in order to maintain secrecy of the winner multiple drownings are filmed, with judges like Rhys Nicholson only finding out the winner when it airs. Which means that yes, there is footage of Mandy Moobs and Vybe winning out there somewhere, so what happened when Michelle Visage read out her name?
“God it was one of the greatest experiences ever in drag when Michelle’s like, congratulations, Mandy Moobs! I think I just burst out laughing. It was so so surreal.”
“I said something like, something corny like follow your dreams, blah blah. Blah blah and it looks like this little piggy just won Drag Race! That’s it, that was heaven. God, I’m clever!”
With almost twelve months between filming and announcing the winner there were lots of secrets to be kept and of course, lots of people fishing for information, so what did Mandy do to help keep her secrets?
“I told everyone at different stories, so I kind of knew if this story got back to me. I’m like, oh, so this little shit’s been saying some stuff about me behind my back. Right, be wary of that one” she laughs.
So with her Drag Race journey behind her would Mandy return for another season?
“I think I would love to do an All Stars I just love the production of All Stars, I think it’s so Aussie and so like Down Under and it’s just fabulous. But if I had to pick I’d go for the Vs The World, ‘cause I want one of those badges, I feel like it would be heaven. But I don’t know, whatever has the biggest prize money! If they ask me back I’ll literally do whatever, I’d really love to be judged by Mama RuPaul, I feel like that would be the ultimate amazingness I just love her.”
But what does a future career look like for Miss Moobs? She reveals she is more keen to work behind the scenes.
“I’d love to work like behind the scenes for the Drag Race live in Vegas, or even like the Moulin Rouge, or even at QPAC the big theatre down there [in Brisbane] working in the costume department, that is the ultimate goal.”
The House Of Vybe
Vybe was the larger than life Sydney queen who won over our hearts with both her warmth and sharp wit. Her personality dominated in the season in many wonderful ways making her mark on Drag Race Down Under.
“I’m absolutely over the moon, happy and beaming with pride of what this season was and very, very proud of Miss Lazy Susan” she says.
It was a huge lead up to the finale for Vybe as she entered the final challenge with two wins, but finally knowing the result has brought closure for her and the other queens.
“I woke up on Friday morning and it was such a sense of peace,” she recalls.
“It just felt that we were closing the chapter on one of the greatest books that I’ve ever been a part of in my life and I knew that night we were going to celebrate and reminisce and remind ourselves of what this season was and why we had such an incredible time and the finale was just perfect, it was absolutely perfect.
“It was really joyful, like, honestly just being with Lazy, being with Mandy, being with Freya, it was just so nice to actually be together and not have to stress or panic. It was just all answers have been received and now we can just bathe in the gorgeousness of what we did.”
Despite a fantastic run on the show that saw Vybe never fall into the bottom two, she wasn’t always easy on herself about her achievements but something she was proud about looking back.
“Yeah, and it was something that I think I’ll be the most proud of, but it’s easy to sort of forget what your achievements are when you’re in something so intense and a close world such as this is while you’re doing it.
“Coming out of it I was so worried about what was going to be in the edit, what was going to make it on screen and what the fans would like and what they would hate and all of that. Then watching it you feel stupid for being so anxious about what it is because when it came out I’ve just literally been surrounded by love and support since episode one and I could not thank all the people that have been so supportive enough.”
For Vybe her personal life is surrounded by Drag as she shares a house with fellow drag queens, Ivy League, Sia tequila and her very good friend and season one alumni Coco Jumbo, who gave her advice ahead of the show.
“She gave me a lot of advice about what to expect. Obviously she knows me better than I know myself.”
“The longest time we’ve ever spent apart in the 13 years that we’ve been friends is when she was doing the show and when I was doing the show so. So she knows I’m the 1st to tell myself I’ve done badly, so it was very much a ‘get out of your head scenario’ and I knew I was gonna come back wherever I placed to open arms from the entire household and the entire scene. It definitely helped ease the brain a little bit going into it because Drag Race is absolutely a whirlwind, and I think it’ll be wild to think that it’s gonna be smooth sailing before you get there.”
While some struggled with hiding their disappearance to appear on the show an unfortunate turn of events made like a little easier fro Vybe to vanish during her time for filming.
“It was over Mardi Gras period so it was very easy to confirm fake bookings and continue like everything was business as usual” she says.
“But I think it was easy to keep a secret when I came back because I actually came back and I think a week or two after we landed in Sydney, I did one of our first gigs back and actually snapped 2 of he tendons in my ankle, so I was in hiding because of medical reasons, which definitely helped with questions and everything. Then I just slowly sort of made my way back to the scene then before I knew it, it was announced and I didn’t have to keep it a secret anymore. Perfect.”
Freya Armani and The Final Four
Despite stumbling a couple of times Brisbane queen Freya Armani was a shining star during her time on Drag Race Down Under, the lively dancing queen endeared audiences during her appearance. Despite not having any wins ahead of the final challenge she went in guns blazing and was thrilled to get to show off her talents to the world.
“I think I finally got to show what I’m best at” she gushed,
“I Finally got to show some really sickening looks, some really great energy in the performance ’cause it wasn’t just like a character based dance challenge, it was cunty, you know? It was a pop off kind of challenge and that’s the kind of stuff that I love doing on stage. I was glad that I finally got to do that on the show.”
Despite a phenomenal performance Freya was eliminated during the final episode, something she knew ahead of time, which made her press interviews ahead of the finale a little different knowing that she was not winning.
“It was tough to answer questions like if you could win?. ‘What do you think about your chances of winning?’ I was like, yes, I would love that but I don’t think it’s happening this season… It was emotionally weird but you know, I just love that I was still part of it. That’s what I appreciated.”
Having originally been born in the US meant that Freya could have potentially auditioned for American versions of the show, however she did not even audition for Down Under until this season, holding off until she knew she was ready.
“I was like, I want to get on the show. I will get on that show. I will not have to try more than once. I’m gonna audition and they’re gonna want me and I’m gonna do great. I was just very confident in my ability and my skills when it comes to Drag Race, so I just told myself, you know, you wanna do it. You know you can do it. Don’t do it until you’re absolutely ready to present a fully realized aesthetic.”
So made Freya know that this was her time?
“Halfway through last year like June, I quit my day job and I decided to pursue drag full time. And I was really unsure about it. Once I told all my local event producers and stuff like that, I was already working weekly and so when I told him I was going to do it full time and I would have more availability and stuff like that, they were like, ‘Oh my God. No way. My God. Perfect. We’ll get you to this. This, this, this.’ And then I became a regular weekly host or guest or performer at so many venues and events here in Brisbane and it really just helped me build my confidence, build my stamina for doing drag multiple times a week and it really helped me improve and elevate my looks, my performance style and find my niche of what I can offer the drag world and the entertainment world.”
One of Freya’s proudest moment of the season was her time on the comedy roast. Whilst it wasn’t a challenge they knew for certain was coming, they all had a hunch and Freya did her best to prepare for it.
“I don’t want to say like every drag race queen does this, but at least I know the girls from my season did. We come with certain like preparation if but you might get there and it might not work, it might not fit.”
“I think a lot of the jokes that I ended up using were very much in the moment. They were very much me looking myself in the mirror and being like lock the fuck in. You are a funny fucking bitch.”
But ultimately support from Michelle Visage helped push Freya across the line and succeed in the challenge.
“Michelle believes in you. She was worried as fuck with you know the little giggly jokes that were cute, as she said they were cute. And she was like, you need to be punchier, you need to go for the jugular. Don’t be afraid. Just go for it. And that’s what I decided to do. It worked out so. I’m glad I was able to convince myself to, you know, put my big girl pants on.”
With Drag Race Down Under behind her now Freya is gearing up to get the most out of her experience as she prepares to fly to the UK for Drag Con where she’ll join winner Lazy Susan and fellow finalist Vybe to meet their fans.
In the new year Freya and the cast of Season Four will be touring Australia with host Rhys Nicholson to showcase their talents to the nation.