I’m spinning around

I’m spinning around

Attention please! I would like to come out. I would like to come out – as a DJ groupie.

This didn’t happen overnight, but slowly over the last decade I have been following some fine female DJs and it just sort of happened … no really, it did.

Ten years ago there were the likes of Annabel Gaspar and Kate Monroe to follow, but then the underground scene exploded with Sveta, Mandy Rollins, Feisty and Gemma.

So now I have several DJs to follow, slowly transforming me into a groupie.

It has taken a long time for me to achieve my groupie status due to the fact that it has taken a while for the female DJs to rise to great heights in what was for so long a male-dominated scene.

And all my favourite DJs have one thing in common – they are killer mixers with fantastic track selections. Oh, and did I mention they are all sexy too?

My all-time favourite to emerge in recent years is DJ Sveta.

Can that girl mix or what? Her ability to read a crowd is astonishing.

I recently found a podcast of her Mr Black’s New York nightclub set and it is unbelievable. If only I had a private jet at my disposal to be there for that set. I guess I can keep dreaming.

It broke my heart when Feisty got together with Mandy Rollins. I was afraid I had lost two DJs. But then, when I heard their combined set at the NMG Party two years ago, the tears were brushed aside and my newfound groupie status was solidified.

And being a true groupie of Tribe and Zip keeps me close to their magic. I have to say, happy birthday to Ms Rollins.

I have debated whether I should tell you about another DJ I fear I may be a groupie of, but then I remembered one of my New Year’s resolutions was to share more with those around me – so here it goes.

DJ Bel West has been around long enough to start getting a name on the scene. Her track selection is right down my alley and never fails to get my little feet moving fast.

She is a natural on the decks and so passionate about her craft. And she embodies the most important part of being a truly successful DJ – she is approachable.

Now I can let out a huge sigh of relief because, after many years stashed away in the dark corner of a music store, I have come out and revealed myself as the DJ groupie I am.

I guess Pink was right. God is a DJ and she spins some mighty fine tunes.

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