Why Relationships Fail eBook

Why Relationships Fail eBook

Penned by Evan Mitchell and Brian Mitchell PhD, this self-help ebook is aimed at couples of all types, in all stages of their relationships.

Whether it’s a long term live-in thing, or a brand new romance, dramas in relationships are inevitable. Something gets on someone’s nerves. One partner can’t stand the other’s best friend. One’s staying too close to their ex. One’s ‘letting themselves go’. One’s trying to change the other. Someone sees an affair as the answer.

The Mitchells tackle these frequently occurring conflicts, exploring what’s happening and searching for answers. Surprisingly, they offer one single solution to all these relationship dramas.

The book is being released alongside an app, Love Me Love Me Not Couples, which has two detailed illustrations of relationship dramas (one concerning a gay couple) that the user works through from beginning to end.

The book is available free to Star Observer readers for a limited time at http://www.lovemelovemenot.org/freebook

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