Bring on the bunny

Bring on the bunny

Easter! Any holiday that has chocolate involved, I’m there with bells on.

But, many may be saying, it’s a religious holiday, it’s not all about chocolate!

My family was never really religious. We would eat fish on Good Friday — well, fish fingers with a large serve of hot cross buns. Stuffed to the brim, we would roll into the lounge room and watch an old Hollywood Jesus movie, which usually went for hours, but would be beautifully coloured.

Sunday, we would rise very early to a pile of chocolate. We ate a large amount of it before breakfast was even contemplated. We would usually eat chocolate all through the next week, till there was not a piece left in the house.

Maybe instead of focusing on the religious aspect it was a means for my family to get closer. There was no church and no praying but for a small time we would be all together smiling, laughing, even screaming at each other.

Like many religious holidays, have we turned it into what suits us? Has there been a shift to focus more on those close to you?

Although now my family is scattered across Australia, I still make the holiday calls. I get similar responses from most relatives each year.

”Oh, you still doing those show things?” croaks my grandfather.

“Yeah yeah, you know what it’s like, work hard for the money.” I receive a “Good boy” then he carries on with something about the old bitch next door and her dog shitting on his garden.

At my house we have our own traditions. We will be entering into Choc-Fest 2010, where we will eat chocolate at every meal from Good Friday to Easter Monday. You eat your normal meals but you have to consume a piece of chocolate with them. My trainer has a heart attack each year.

Have a safe and fabulous Easter. I hope the Bunny comes down your chimney with his sack or something.

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