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I enjoy living in the suburbs although sometimes I miss the city and what it has to offer like venturing out to a late-night café or catching up with friends for last-minute drinks.

It can seem like an effort if you have to drive 45 minutes each way or perhaps there is the added pressure of feeling safe when you are out, often asking yourself questions like, does this shirt make me look gay?  Should I uncross my legs?

Finding venues where you can feel comfortable in western Sydney is challenging sometimes so it’s always great when you find a gay-friendly or gay-owned business in the area.

As part of the Parramatta Queer Forum we are trying to compile a list of gay-friendly or gay-owned business in western Sydney.

If you own a business or if you regularly attend, shop or visit a business that you would like to see included in such a directory please email me the details. Information like the type of business, location, name and a contact number would all be very helpful.

We will also be compiling a list of other health services. While we encourage people to attend their local sexual health centre for testing, there is often a need to visit doctors for matters that may not be related to your sexual health but you’d still like to be open with your doctor about your sexuality.

This information is helpful for other people who are not aware of gay and lesbian-friendly services or businesses but who might be looking for just such a place.

To contribute to the list, please email or call me.

info: For info about services, organisations or community events in western Sydney, contact Matt Vaughan at ACON on 9206 2064 or [email protected]

By Matt Vaughan, Community Development and Liaison Officer for the ACON Western Sydney Community Development Team.

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