Never Held A Gun Book Launch

Never Held A Gun Book Launch
Image: Image: Supplied

Join Sydney author Guy James Whitworth as he launches his third book Never Held A Gun. Featuring issues such as toxic masculinity, queer identity and global politics this latest offering is his first ever poetry collection.

Join Guy as he officially launches his book with an evening of special guests and live poetry readings.

“I really do think anyone going into politics should be forced to write and read their own poetry publicly, so they understand, truly, the concept of standing by their words” Guy says,

“Although I’ve had two autobiographical books published in the past, this volume is different and is so incredibly nerve wracking. I thought putting writing and artworks out into the world was scary, but honestly, leaving myself so exposed and so vulnerable through poetry is a completely next level. Using the medium of poetry to explore such vastly personal experiences as gender identity leaves nowhere to hide.”

When: January 16, 6:30pm

Where: Middle Bar Kinselas, Sydney


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