Ellen does Idol

Ellen does Idol

Now I’m not one to jump on the ‘pink bandwagon’ and blindly support someone simply because they’re queer, but hello: Ellen DeGeneres on American Idol — woot, woot!
When I first heard she was replacing Paula Abdul, I had to abandon my FarmVille crops, pry my widening rear end from my chair and jump for joy. Well, it was more a reach than a jump. But I was thrilled.
Opinion seems divided, with some saying she’s not right, citing her recent guest appearance on the US panel of Dance as an example of her incompatibility for the gig.
But personally, I think it’s perfect. And not just because she’s a carpet-muncher.
I liked her on Dance. Her irreverent quick wit and casual style proves why she’s one of the most popular celebs on the planet. But I’ve always thought Ellen rocks. The woman is hilair. She’s like a breath of fresh air, with a no-BS attitude to boot.
When we consider Middle America condemned her back in ’97 when she announced her sexuality, she’s an awesome example of sticking it to the bigots. Beige people around the world must be mortified. And props to network officials — it’s quite the coup, as she’ll no doubt bring a following of millions to the waning Idol demographic.
Ellen’s more than a spokesperson. She’s a role model. She epitomises beating the odds. And, unlike some former judges, she embodies simple, good-natured fun and humility. Generous and true to herself, with her contagious brand of humour, she’s proven it’s possible to be openly gay and popular.
That’s gotta be a good thing, right?
It’d probably be different if it were a gay man, which most mainstream audiences seem to find less acceptable. Possibly something to do with the hetero male ego, or some such. But it’s still a win/win, as far as I can see.
I may even have to start following her on Twitter.
She may not be a washed-up singer/dancer with big hair, and she won’t be screaming like a banshee. But she doesn’t set out to be a resident expert. She’s pretty clued up on pop culture and has already said she’s likely to be “the people’s judge”, and I think that’s exactly what she’ll bring to the show.
It’s possibly also a bonus to have someone on the panel who isn’t pissed or pilled to the gills on pain meds.
Snaps for Ellen.

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4 responses to “Ellen does Idol”

  1. Yeah, maybe I’m biased – I’ve always liked Ellen. There’s just something contagious & engaging about her SOH.

    It’s almost like she’s become a funnier, white, gay version of Oprah, right? Well, maybe not. But you know what I mean.

    Thanks for the comments.

  2. Ellen is brilliant although I have never thought of her as a role model before. I suppose she is when you think about it, even for us gay guys. I agree with Rose that she could be too famous, it should be interesting to see how she goes.

  3. Yes I like Ellen she is hot and she is funny and yes she is a great example of audiences loving her for who she is which includes being lesbian. I don’t know if I would go so far as to say she is a role model though. I think she will be good on American Idol unless she is TOO famous for the show which could be a possibility also.