R is for -¦ Remembrance

R is for -¦ Remembrance

Well if the people in western Sydney don’t already know about the trials and tribulations of Heaven, then you’ve either been in a coma or you’re technologically challenged.

The joy of finding a new venue has been never ending. But it has left me wondering. How early is too early?

The western GLBT community has always fancied coming out late, you know 10pm, 10.30pm or even later… Does it seriously take you boys and girls that long to get ready? Please, I have to put a whole face on and I can get out the door earlier!

So why can’t queers come out to celebrate earlier? The reason I ask is that the majority of the suitable venues out west shut down by midnight. Yes. Midnight.

Will the community come out in order to support a night that finishes earlier?

Polly’s mind you has made it work, but then they’ve had 44 years! And they’ve done a sterling job supporting both the gay community and it’s charities. So don’t forget their Christmas party on December 6.

Also celebrating Christmas is Out West Dance Party #3 on Friday December 19. I will be going as Santa. If you’re lucky you can sit on my knee and make a wish. If you’re hot, I’ll make your wish come true-¦ well assuming you bring your own condom – my Santa sack isn’t big enough.

Speaking of safe sex, let’s not forget that this coming week celebrates World AIDS Day. There will be memorials out west for those who wish to remember those lost due to HIV/AIDS. In Medlow Bath Park there will be a service and a picnic on Sunday November 30 from 11am, and in the Parramatta area there will be a church service from 6.30pm on November 30 with MCC Good Shepperd at 37 East Street, Granville.

For other information about W.A.D. events near you, please go to www.worldaidsdaynsw.org

My run as producer for Queer Out West 89.3fm has come to an end (for now!), with Paul returning from his overseas trip with Gracie Lou. I would like to say a HUGE thank you to Matt Vaughan, Ida Slapda and Mitzi Macintosh for helping me out in their absence. Paul has returned fatter, and Gracie’s new tits look fabulous. I must go with them next time for lipo!

Drag gossip: Which former western Sydney drag queen recently aired her dirty laundry, and revealed a long time crush on her now co-host every Wednesday night at The Shift? Who would have thought that two such skinny things could break an Ikea bed?

Which baby drag was fired from her job recently for spending too much time on Facebook?

Until next time gorgeous!

info: For more information on venues in western Sydney go to: www.qow.zoomshare.com (Queer Out West)
www.beverlybuttercup.zoomshare.com; www.pinkmountains.com.au

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2 responses to “R is for -¦ Remembrance”

  1. R is for Rememberance.
    Rememberance is a solemn recognition of much loss.
    Lack of respect for R, as displayed in this article hopefully wont be in the minds of participants in Rememberance.

  2. I was the first one at the go west dance party on halloween, but that was at 8pm, so no complainin :P